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Ethereal-users: [Ethereal-users] Re: Select TCP segment?

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: ronnie sahlberg <ronniesahlberg@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 04:34:55 -0400
That is a well known, but no less annoying problem.

The problem is that that code is very old from a time before we had
proper infrastructure for this kind of statistics features to extract
data from packets. (== the TAP system).
Thus the code has to re-read the pcap file itself, directly and parse
the packets up to and including the tcp layer.
The code inside the TCP sequence number ... thing is very primitive
and only recognizes very few types of encapsulation :-(

This code should be TAP-ified so that it will work on all types of
Can you send me a capture file to test with and I can have a try to
implement these changes sometime next week?

On 6/21/05, Ignacio Mas Ivars <nacho@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi!
> I guess this question must have been asked thousands of times, but I
> just can't find the answer. I've googled for it and looked in the
> newsgroups... I am trying to obtain TCP analysis graphs for a whole TCP
> connection. I have all the packet from the initial SYN to the FYN-ACK. I
> just don't know how to select a TCP segment and each time I click on:
> Statistics-TCP Stream graph and then in any of the four grpahs I only
> get the 'Selected packet isn't a TCP segment' warning. I have tried
> marking several packets and marking all of them... and nothing... How do
> you select a TCP segment? How can I get an RTT graph for the whole TCP
> flow? I am using ethereal 0.10.11 in linux...
> Thanks for the help!
> /Ignacio
> ---
>        ,,,
>       (o o)
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