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Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] new interface

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Andreas Becker <andreas.becker@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 16:33:18 +0200
> As far as I remember I2C,
> a. it was a 2 wire protocol?
> b. the address of the devices was the 1st 4 bits? (this is from what i
> remember on the intel 80552, I dont know what the philips bus follows or
> the latest standard now)

You are right. (Adress is 7 or 10 bit's)

> However if you are sampling from a I2C wire-tapping box, just define
> your own protocol type for TCP/UDP , send it to a PC over TCP/UDP, and
> write any standard dissector to dissect on top of those ports.

Ok. The "Dissector" is the word I'm looking for? Is it a part of the libpcap 
or it is a part of ethereal?
I am thinking about the I²C-MAC Adresses ( 7/10 Bit) ( Link Layer) is this 
stuff done by the dissector ?

> You would probably also need a way to build a "conversation tree"
> between 2 devices on the bus.

Good to keep this in mind. Pehaps we expand the I²C protocol, so that every 
sender has to send his own device-address with every Packet send. (Like 
Ethernet does.)

> A simpler way could to treat the transaction between the 2 devices as
> one "conversation", terminate it with a fin when sending it to the PC
> and let the ethereal's conversation-handler with &pinfo to match the TCP
> fin and that can handle it for you.
> hope this helps, (if my memory is correct).....

Yea, I'm looking forward.

Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Andreas Becker

dSys e.K.
Soeflinger Str. 100
D-89077 Ulm
Tel:  +49.731.151579-1
Fax: +49.731.151579-9