Display Filter Reference: Signalling Connection Control Part Management

Protocol field name: sccpmg

Versions: 1.0.0 to 4.4.0

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Field name Description Type Versions
sccpmg.ansi_pcAffected Point CodeCharacter string1.0.0 to 4.4.0
sccpmg.chinese_pcAffected Point CodeCharacter string1.0.0 to 4.4.0
sccpmg.clusterAffected PC ClusterUnsigned integer (24 bits)1.0.0 to 4.4.0
sccpmg.congestionSCCP Congestion Level (ITU)Unsigned integer (8 bits)1.0.0 to 4.4.0
sccpmg.memberAffected PC MemberUnsigned integer (24 bits)1.0.0 to 4.4.0
sccpmg.message_typeMessage TypeUnsigned integer (8 bits)1.0.0 to 4.4.0
sccpmg.networkAffected PC NetworkUnsigned integer (24 bits)1.0.0 to 4.4.0
sccpmg.pcAffected Point CodeUnsigned integer (16 bits)1.0.0 to 4.4.0
sccpmg.smiSubsystem Multiplicity IndicatorUnsigned integer (8 bits)1.0.0 to 4.4.0
sccpmg.ssnAffected SubSystem NumberUnsigned integer (8 bits)1.0.0 to 4.4.0
sccpmg.unknown_msgUnknown messageLabel2.0.0 to 4.4.0