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Wireshark-dev: [Wireshark-dev] Why some Dissectors are registered and others not ?

From: Sandwood Sandwood <keysandwood@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2011 18:49:07 +0000 (GMT)
A good example is "es-is" and "is-is" protocol.

packet-esis.c  line 436  : register_dissector("esis", dissect_esis, proto_esis)

=> In LUA, we can retreive and use the ESIS Dissector
(Dissector.get("esis)  succeed)

packet-isis.c : the register_dissector("isis",dissect_isis, proto_isis)  is NOT called.

=> In LUA, we can not retreive and use the ISIS Dissector

Everthing is ready to call the register_dissector function, and still this call is not made.

Is there a performance issue  ?

Or is this just an inconsistancy ?

The same conclusion can be tracked on a lot of dissectors.

It is very frustrating and confusing when  writting LUA scripts because until opening the wireshark code,
 it is impossible to understand why the Dissector.get function failed on an existing dissector.
