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Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] (no subject)

From: Ulf Lamping <ulf.lamping@xxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 03 Feb 2007 21:39:58 +0100
Jaap Keuter wrote:
Hi list,

Going over the tarball on Win32 I've found some cruft in config.nmake.
Hopefully someone with insight can set these straight.

# Support for GTK 2.10 is currently experimental ...

Is it experimental?
I've changed the comments, GTK2.10 is the mainline since 0.99.5.

# XXX - what to set for 4.0 beta 1?
It is used to determine which WpdPack (the Winpcap developer pack) is installed on the developer machine. So a better name would have been WPDPACK_VERSION to avoid confusion.

However, the setting is a bit odd and caused confusion in the past. This compile time setting was mistakingly used to determine which functions are available on the *runtime* machine (which could have a completely different WinPcap version installed).

The capture related functions must (and will do) determine the installed WinPcap version dynamically when the winpcap DLL is loaded - so the above setting is useless and can be removed.

If we need functions from the WinPcap 3.1 or 4.0 API, we should force our developers to this version instead of adding another confusing mechanism ;-)

I've completely removed the WINPCAP_VERSION setting (and added a note that you need at least WpdPack version 3.0).
Weren't we at 4.0? Which may have consequence for this

# Nmake uses carets to escape special characters
!IF "$(WINPCAP_VERSION)" == "3.0" || "$(WINPCAP_VERSION)" == "3.1"
See above.
And when you make the setup target you get the WpdPack for 3.1

	@$(SH) tools\ --download "$(WIRESHARK_LIBS)" \
As discussed recently, the Wpdpack version used doesn't really matter (at least for 3.0, 3.1 or 4.0) as there were no API changes we use.

We could switch to WpdPack 4.0 but were not in a hurry about it.

Regards, ULFL