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Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] FreeBSD buildbot failures

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Guy Harris <gharris@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2005 17:29:04 -0700
LEGO wrote:
isn't Tiger LP64 too?

Tiger supports a limited LP64 environment, as well as a full ILP32 environment, *on 64-bit PowerPC* (PowerMac and iMac G5); on 32-bit PowerPC machines (such as the machines I have at home and at work), it's obviously going to be ILP32-only.

For LP64 testing of Ethereal, all the support libraries (GLib, GTK+, Pango, ATK, and so on) would have to be built LP64. I don't know whether the X11 libraries that come with Tiger are built fat, with PPC32 and PPC64 versions, as I think libc^H^H^H^HlibSystem is built; if not, LP64 versions of the required X11 libraries would also have to be built - that'd be part of the "limited" in the first paragraph. Another part of "limited" is that few if any frameworks have LP64 versions; that might include Core Foundation, which Ethereal uses on OS X to fire up a Web browser - it'd build and work without that, but you'd have to set the preference for the Web browser command to get menu items that fire up a Web browser to work (the "open" command *might* work).