Huge thanks to our Platinum Members Endace and LiveAction,
and our Silver Member Veeam, for supporting the Wireshark Foundation and project.

Ethereal-dev: [Ethereal-dev] slow protocol patch (IEEE802.3 clause43 and clause 57)

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Dominique bastien <ip6helper@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2005 08:40:18 -0500 (EST)
This is a patch for the IEEE slow protocols (in the previous version only LACP was supported). I include the marker protocol and the new OAM protocol. I also include a capture file to help.
Dominique Bastien

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--- packet-slowprotocols.old	2005-02-03 08:17:32.084501664 -0500
+++ packet-slowprotocols.c	2005-02-03 08:03:08.392802760 -0500
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
  * $Id: packet-slowprotocols.c 11615 2004-08-06 19:57:49Z guy $
  * Copyright 2002 Steve Housley <steve_housley@xxxxxxxx>
+ * Copyright 2005 Dominique Bastien <dbastien@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  * Ethereal - Network traffic analyzer
  * By Gerald Combs <gerald@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
@@ -24,10 +25,6 @@
  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
- /* *** WARNING!! *** Only a dissector for LACPDU (Link Aggregation Control
-  * Protocol Data Unit) disassembly has currently been implemented.
-  */
 # include "config.h"
@@ -41,58 +38,636 @@
 #include "ppptypes.h"
 #include <epan/addr_resolv.h>
+/* General declarations */
+#define SLOW_PROTO_SUBTYPE              0
+#define LACP_SUBTYPE                    0x1
+#define MARKER_SUBTYPE                  0x2
+#define OAM_SUBTYPE                     0x3
 /* Offsets of fields within a LACPDU */
-#define LACPDU_SUBTYPE				0
+#define LACPDU_VERSION_NUMBER           1
-#define LACPDU_ACTOR_TYPE			2
-#define LACPDU_ACTOR_KEY			12
-#define LACPDU_ACTOR_PORT			16
-#define LACPDU_ACTOR_STATE			18
-#define LACPDU_PARTNER_KEY			32
-#define LACPDU_COLL_TYPE			42
-#define LACPDU_COLL_INFO_LEN			43
-#define LACPDU_TERM_TYPE			58
-#define LACPDU_TERM_LEN				59
+#define LACPDU_ACTOR_TYPE               2
+#define LACPDU_ACTOR_INFO_LEN           3
+#define LACPDU_ACTOR_SYSTEM             6
+#define LACPDU_ACTOR_KEY                12
+#define LACPDU_ACTOR_PORT               16
+#define LACPDU_ACTOR_STATE              18
+#define LACPDU_ACTOR_RESERVED           19
+#define LACPDU_PARTNER_TYPE             22
+#define LACPDU_PARTNER_INFO_LEN         23
+#define LACPDU_PARTNER_SYSTEM           26
+#define LACPDU_PARTNER_KEY              32
+#define LACPDU_PARTNER_PORT             36
+#define LACPDU_PARTNER_STATE            38
+#define LACPDU_PARTNER_RESERVED         39
+#define LACPDU_COLL_TYPE                42
+#define LACPDU_COLL_INFO_LEN            43
+#define LACPDU_COLL_MAX_DELAY           44
+#define LACPDU_COLL_RESERVED            46
+#define LACPDU_TERM_TYPE                58
+#define LACPDU_TERM_LEN                 59
+#define LACPDU_TERM_RESERVED            60
 /* Actor and Partner Flag bits */
+#define LACPDU_FLAGS_ACTIVITY           0x01
+#define LACPDU_FLAGS_TIMEOUT            0x02
+#define LACPDU_FLAGS_AGGREGATION        0x04
+#define LACPDU_FLAGS_SYNC               0x08
+#define LACPDU_FLAGS_COLLECTING         0x10
+#define LACPDU_FLAGS_DISTRIB            0x20
+#define LACPDU_FLAGS_DEFAULTED          0x40
+#define LACPDU_FLAGS_EXPIRED            0x80
+/* MARKER TLVs subtype */
+#define MARKERPDU_END_MARKER            0x0
+#define MARKERPDU_MARKER_INFO           0x1
+/* Offsets of fields within a OAMPDU */
+#define OAMPDU_FLAGS                    1
+#define OAMPDU_CODE                     3
+#define OAMPDU_HEADER_SIZE              4
+/* OAMPDU Flag bits */
+#define OAMPDU_FLAGS_LINK_FAULT         0x01
+#define OAMPDU_FLAGS_DYING_GASP         0x02
+#define OAMPDU_FLAGS_LOCAL_EVAL         0x08
+#define OAMPDU_FLAGS_LOCAL_STABLE       0x10
+#define OAMPDU_FLAGS_REMOTE_EVAL        0x20
+/* OAMPDU Code */
+#define OAMPDU_INFORMATION              0x0
+#define OAMPDU_VAR_REQUEST              0x2
+#define OAMPDU_VAR_RESPONSE             0x3
+#define OAMPDU_LOOPBACK_CTRL            0x4
+#define OAMPDU_VENDOR_SPECIFIC          0xFE
+/* Information Type */
+#define OAMPDU_INFO_TYPE_LOCAL          0x1
+#define OAMPDU_INFO_TYPE_REMOTE         0x2
+#define OAMPDU_INFO_TYPE_ORG            0xFE
+/* Size of fields within a OAMPDU Information */
+#define OAMPDU_INFO_TYPE_SZ             1
+#define OAMPDU_INFO_LENGTH_SZ           1
+#define OAMPDU_INFO_VERSION_SZ          1
+#define OAMPDU_INFO_REVISION_SZ         2
+#define OAMPDU_INFO_STATE_SZ            1
+#define OAMPDU_INFO_OAM_CONFIG_SZ       1
+#define OAMPDU_INFO_OUI_SZ              3
+/* OAM configuration bits */
+#define OAMPDU_INFO_CONFIG_MODE         0x01
+#define OAMPDU_INFO_CONFIG_UNI          0x02
+#define OAMPDU_INFO_CONFIG_LPBK         0x04
+#define OAMPDU_INFO_CONFIG_EVENT        0x08
+#define OAMPDU_INFO_CONFIG_VAR          0x10
+/* Event Type */
+#define OAMPDU_EVENT_TYPE_END           0x0
+#define OAMPDU_EVENT_TYPE_ESPE          0x1
+#define OAMPDU_EVENT_TYPE_EFE           0x2
+#define OAMPDU_EVENT_TYPE_EFPE          0x3
+#define OAMPDU_EVENT_TYPE_EFSSE         0x4
+#define OAMPDU_EVENT_TYPE_OSE           0xFE
+/* Size of fields within a OAMPDU Event notification */
+#define OAMPDU_EVENT_SEQUENCE_SZ        2
+#define OAMPDU_EVENT_TYPE_SZ            1
+#define OAMPDU_EVENT_LENGTH_SZ          1
+/* Size of fields within a OAMPDU ESPE: Errored Symbol Period Event TLV */
+#define OAMPDU_ESPE_WINDOW_SZ           8
+#define OAMPDU_ESPE_THRESHOLD_SZ        8
+#define OAMPDU_ESPE_ERRORS_SZ           8
+#define OAMPDU_ESPE_ERR_TOTAL_SZ        8
+#define OAMPDU_ESPE_TOTAL_SZ            4
+/* Size of fields within a OAMPDU EFE: Errored Frame Event TLV */
+#define OAMPDU_EFE_WINDOW_SZ            2
+#define OAMPDU_EFE_THRESHOLD_SZ         4
+#define OAMPDU_EFE_ERRORS_SZ            4
+#define OAMPDU_EFE_ERR_TOTAL_SZ         8
+#define OAMPDU_EFE_TOTAL_SZ             4
+/* Size of fields within a OAMPDU EFPE: Errored Frame Period Event TLV */
+#define OAMPDU_EFPE_WINDOW_SZ           4
+#define OAMPDU_EFPE_THRESHOLD_SZ        4
+#define OAMPDU_EFPE_ERRORS_SZ           4
+#define OAMPDU_EFPE_ERR_TOTAL_SZ        8
+#define OAMPDU_EFPE_TOTAL_SZ            4
+/* Size of fields within a OAMPDU EFSSE: Errored Frame Seconds Summary Event TLV */
+#define OAMPDU_EFSSE_WINDOW_SZ          2
+#define OAMPDU_EFSSE_ERRORS_SZ          2
+#define OAMPDU_EFSSE_ERR_TOTAL_SZ       8
+#define OAMPDU_EFSSE_TOTAL_SZ           4
+/* Variable Branch Type */
+#define OAMPDU_VARS_OBJECT              0x3
+#define OAMPDU_VARS_PACKAGE             0x4
+#define OAMPDU_VARS_BINDING             0x6
+#define OAMPDU_VARS_ATTRIBUTE           0x7
+/* OAMPDU Loopback Control bits */
+#define OAMPDU_LPBK_ENABLE              0x02
+#define OAMPDU_LPBK_DISABLE             0x04
-#define LACPDU_FLAGS_SYNC		0x08
-/* Initialise the protocol and registered fields */
+static const value_string subtype_vals[] = {
+    { 1, "LACP" },
+    { 2, "Marker Protocol" },
+    { 2, "OAM" },
+    { 0, NULL }
-static int proto_lacpdu = -1;
+static const value_string marker_vals[] = {
+    { 1, "Marker Information" },
+    { 2, "Marker Response Information" },
+    { 0, NULL }
-static int hf_lacpdu_subtype = -1;
-static int hf_lacpdu_version_number = -1;
+/* see IEEE802.3, table 57-4 */
+static const value_string code_vals[] = {
+    { 0, "Information" },
+    { 1, "Event Notification" },
+    { 2, "Variable Request" },
+    { 3, "Variable Response" },
+    { 4, "Loopback Control"},
+    { 0xFE, "Organization Specific" },
+    { 0, NULL }
+/* see IEEE802.3, table 57-6 */
+static const value_string info_type_vals[] = {
+    { 0, "End of TLV marker" },
+    { 1, "Local Information TLV" },
+    { 2, "Remote Information TLV" },
+    { 0xFE, "Organization Specific Information TLV" },
+    { 0, NULL }
+/* see IEEE802.3, table 57-12 */
+static const value_string event_type_vals[] = {
+    { 0, "End of TLV marker" },
+    { 1, "Errored Symbol Period Event" },
+    { 2, "Errored Frame Event" },
+    { 3, "Errored Frame Period Event" },
+    { 4, "Errored Frame Seconds Summary Event" },
+    { 0xFE, "Organization Specific Event TLV" },
+    { 0, NULL }
+ * In the OAM protocol the {iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) ieee802dot3(10006)
+ * csmacdmgt(30)} prefix for the objects is pre-define. Only the 
+ * managedObjectClass(3) is put in the branch and the leaf is one of the
+ * following value:
+ */
+static const value_string object_vals[] = {
+    { 1, "macObjectClass" },
+    { 2, "phyObjectClass"},
+    { 3, "repeaterObjectClass"},
+    { 4, "groupObjectClass"},
+    { 5, "repeaterPortObjectClass"},
+    { 6, "mauObjectClass"},
+    { 7, "autoNegObjectClass"},
+    { 8, "macControlObjectClass"},
+    { 9, "macControlFunctionObjectClass"},
+    { 10, "oAggregator"},
+    { 11, "oAggregationPort"},
+    { 12, "oAggPortStats"},
+    { 13, "oAggPortDebugInformation" },
+    { 15, "pseObjectClass"},
+    { 17, "midSpanObjectClass"},
+    { 18, "midSpanGroupObjectClass"},
+    { 19, "ompObjectClass"},
+    { 20, "oamObjectClass" },
+    { 21, "mpcpObjectClass" },
+    { 24, "pafObjectClass" },
+    { 25, "pmeObjectClass"},
+    { 0, NULL }
+ * In the OAM protocol the {iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) ieee802dot3(10006)
+ * csmacdmgt(30)} prefix for the objects is pre-define. Only the 
+ * package(4) is put in the branch and the leaf is one of the
+ * following value:
+ */
+static const value_string package_vals[] = {
+    { 1, "macMandatoryPkg" },
+    { 2, "macRecommendedPkg" },
+    { 3, "macOptionalPkg" },
+    { 4, "macarrayPkg" },
+    { 5, "macExcessiveDeferralPkg" },
+    { 6, "phyRecommendedPkg" },
+    { 7, "phyMultiplePhyPkg" },
+    { 8, "phy100MbpsMonitor" },
+    { 9, "repeaterPerfMonitorPkg"},
+    { 10, "portPerfMonitorPkg"},
+    { 11, "portAddrTrackPkg"},
+    { 12, "port100MbpsMonitor"},
+    { 13, "mauControlPkg"},
+    { 14, "mediaLossTrackingPkg"},
+    { 15, "broadbandMAUPkg"},
+    { 16, "mau100MbpsMonitor"},
+    { 17, "macControlRecommendedPkg" },
+    { 18, "portBurst"},
+    { 19, "pAggregatorMandatory"},
+    { 20, "pAggregatorRecommended"},
+    { 21, "pAggregatorOptional"},
+    { 22, "pAggregationPortMandatory"},
+    { 23, "pAggPortStats"},
+    { 24, "pAggPortDebugInformation"},
+    { 27, "pseRecommendedPkg"},
+    { 30, "fecMonitor"},
+    { 35, "pcsMonitor"},
+    { 37, "oMPError"},
+    { 38, "pafAggregation"},
+    { 0, NULL }
+ * In the OAM protocol the {iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) ieee802dot3(10006)
+ * csmacdmgt(30)} prefix for the objects is pre-define. Only the 
+ * nameBinding(6) is put in the branch and the leaf is one of the
+ * following value:
+ */
+static const value_string binding_vals[] = {
+    { 26, "repeaterPortName"},
+    { 0, NULL }
+ * In the OAM protocol the {iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) ieee802dot3(10006)
+ * csmacdmgt(30)} prefix for the objects is pre-define. Only the 
+ * attribute(7) is put in the branch and the leaf is one of the
+ * following value:
+ */
+static const value_string attribute_vals[] = {
+    { 1, "aMACID" },
+    { 2, "aFramesTransmittedOK" },
+    { 3, "aSingleCollisionFrames" },
+    { 4, "aMultipleCollisionFrames" },
+    { 5, "aFramesReceivedOK" },
+    { 6, "aFrameCheckSequenceErrors" },
+    { 7, "aAlignmentErrors" },
+    { 8, "aOctetsTransmittedOK" },
+    { 9, "aFramesWithDeferredXmissions" },
+    { 10, "aLateCollisions" },
+    { 11, "aFramesAbortedDueToXSColls" },
+    { 12, "aFramesLostDueToIntMACXmitError" },
+    { 13, "aCarrierSenseErrors" },
+    { 14, "aOctetsReceivedOK" },
+    { 15, "aFramesLostDueToIntMACRcvError" },
+    { 16, "aPromiscuousStatus" },
+    { 17, "aReadMulticastAddressList" },
+    { 18, "aMulticastFramesXmittedOK" },
+    { 19, "aBroadcastFramesXmittedOK" },
+    { 20, "aFramesWithExcessiveDeferral" },
+    { 21, "aMulticastFramesReceivedOK" },
+    { 22, "aBroadcastFramesReceivedOK" },
+    { 23, "aInRangeLengthErrors" },
+    { 24, "aOutOfRangeLengthField" },
+    { 25, "aFrameTooLongErrors" },
+    { 26, "aMACEnableStatus" },
+    { 27, "aTransmitEnableStatus" },
+    { 28, "aMulticastReceiveStatus" },
+    { 29, "aReadWriteMACAddress" },
+    { 30, "aCollisionFrames" },
+    { 31, "aPHYID" },
+    { 32, "aPHYType" },
+    { 33, "aPHYTypeList" },
+    { 34, "aSQETestErrors" },
+    { 35, "aSymbolErrorDuringCarrier" },
+    { 36, "aMIIDetect" },
+    { 37, "aPHYAdminState" },
+    { 38, "aRepeaterID" },
+    { 39, "aRepeaterType" },
+    { 40, "aRepeaterGroupCapacity" },
+    { 41, "aGroupMap" },
+    { 42, "aRepeaterHealthState" },
+    { 43, "aRepeaterHealthText" },
+    { 44, "aRepeaterHealthData" },
+    { 44, "aTransmitCollisions" },
+    { 46, "aGroupID" },
+    { 47, "aGroupPortCapacity" },
+    { 48, "aPortMap" },
+    { 49, "aPortID" },
+    { 50, "aPortAdminState" },
+    { 51, "aAutoPartitionState" },
+    { 52, "aReadableFrames" },
+    { 53, "aReadableOctets" },
+    { 54, "aFrameCheckSequenceErrors" },
+    { 55, "aAlignmentErrors" },
+    { 56, "aFramesTooLong" },
+    { 57, "aShortEvents" },
+    { 58, "aRunts" },
+    { 59, "aCollisions" },
+    { 60, "aLateEvents" },
+    { 61, "aVeryLongEvents" },
+    { 62, "aDataRateMismatches" },
+    { 63, "aAutoPartitions" },
+    { 64, "aIsolates" },
+    { 65, "aSymbolErrorDuringPacket" },
+    { 66, "aLastSourceAddress" },
+    { 67, "aSourceAddressChanges" },
+    { 68, "aMAUID" },
+    { 69, "aMAUType" },
+    { 70, "aMAUTypeList" },
+    { 71, "aMediaAvailable" },
+    { 72, "aLoseMediaCounter" },
+    { 73, "aJabber" },
+    { 74, "aMAUAdminState" },
+    { 75, "aBbMAUXmitRcvSplitType" },
+    { 76, "aBroadbandFrequencies" },
+    { 77, "aFalseCarriers" },
+    { 78, "aAutoNegID" },
+    { 79, "aAutoNegAdminState" },
+    { 80, "aAutoNegRemoteSignaling" },
+    { 81, "aAutoNegAutoConfig" },
+    { 82, "aAutoNegLocalTechnologyAbility" },
+    { 83, "aAutoNegAdvertisedTechnologyAbility" },
+    { 84, "aAutoNegReceivedTechnologyAbility" },
+    { 85, "aAutoNegLocalSelectorAbility" },
+    { 86, "aAutoNegAdvertisedSelectorAbility" },
+    { 87, "aAutoNegReceivedSelectorAbility" },
+    { 89, "aMACCapabilities" },
+    { 90, "aDuplexStatus" },
+    { 91, "aIdleErrorCount"},
+    { 92, "aMACControlID" },
+    { 93, "aMACControlFunctionsSupported" },
+    { 94, "aMACControlFramesTransmitted" },
+    { 95, "aMACControlFramesReceived" },
+    { 96, "aUnsupportedOpcodesReceived" },
+    { 97, "aPAUSELinkDelayAllowance" },
+    { 98, "aPAUSEMACCtrlFramesTransmitted" },
+    { 99, "aPAUSEMACCtrlFramesReceived" },
+    { 100, "aBursts" },
+    { 101, "aAggID" },
+    { 102, "aAggDescription" },
+    { 103, "aAggName" },
+    { 104, "aAggActorSystemID" },
+    { 105, "aAggActorSystemPriority" },
+    { 106, "aAggAggregateOrIndividual" },
+    { 107, "aAggActorAdminKey" },
+    { 108, "aAggActorOperKey" },
+    { 109, "aAggMACAddress" },
+    { 110, "aAggPartnerSystemID" },
+    { 111, "aAggPartnerSystemPriority" },
+    { 112, "aAggPartnerOperKey" },
+    { 113, "aAggAdminState" },
+    { 114, "aAggOperState" },
+    { 115, "aAggTimeOfLastOperChange" },
+    { 116, "aAggDataRate" },
+    { 117, "aAggOctetsTxOK" },
+    { 118, "aAggOctetsRxOK" },
+    { 119, "aAggFramesTxOK" },
+    { 120, "aAggFramesRxOK" },
+    { 121, "aAggMulticastFramesTxOK" },
+    { 122, "aAggMulticastFramesRxOK" },
+    { 123, "aAggBroadcastFramesTxOK" },
+    { 124, "aAggBroadcastFramesRxOK" },
+    { 125, "aAggFramesDiscardedOnTx" },
+    { 126, "aAggFramesDiscardedOnRx" },
+    { 127, "aAggFramesWithTxErrors" },
+    { 128, "aAggFramesWithRxErrors" },
+    { 129, "aAggUnknownProtocolFrames" },
+    { 130, "aAggLinkUpDownNotificationEnable" },
+    { 131, "aAggPortList" },
+    { 132, "aAggCollectorMaxDelay" },
+    { 133, "aAggPortID" },
+    { 134, "aAggPortActorSystemPriority" },
+    { 135, "aAggPortActorSystemID" },
+    { 136, "aAggPortActorAdminKey" },
+    { 137, "aAggPortActorOperKey" },
+    { 138, "aAggPortPartnerAdminSystemPriority" },
+    { 139, "aAggPortPartnerOperSystemPriority" },
+    { 140, "aAggPortPartnerAdminSystemID" },
+    { 141, "aAggPortPartnerOperSystemID" },
+    { 142, "aAggPortPartnerAdminKey" },
+    { 143, "aAggPortPartnerOperKey" },
+    { 144, "aAggPortSelectedAggID" },
+    { 145, "aAggPortAttachedAggID" },
+    { 146, "aAggPortActorPort" },
+    { 147, "aAggPortActorPortPriority" },
+    { 148, "aAggPortPartnerAdminPort" },
+    { 149, "aAggPortPartnerOperPort" },
+    { 150, "aAggPortPartnerAdminPortPriority" },
+    { 151, "aAggPortPartnerOperPortPriority" },
+    { 152, "aAggPortActorAdminState" },
+    { 153, "aAggPortActorOperState" },
+    { 154, "aAggPortPartnerAdminState" },
+    { 155, "aAggPortPartnerOperState" },
+    { 156, "aAggPortAggregateOrIndividual" },
+    { 157, "aAggPortStatsID" },
+    { 158, "aAggPortStatsLACPDUsRx" },
+    { 159, "aAggPortStatsMarkerPDUsRx" },
+    { 160, "aAggPortStatsMarkerResponsePDUsRx" },
+    { 161, "aAggPortStatsUnknownRx" },
+    { 162, "aAggPortStatsIllegalRx" },
+    { 163, "aAggPortStatsLACPDUsTx" },
+    { 164, "aAggPortStatsMarkerPDUsTx" },
+    { 165, "aAggPortStatsMarkerResponsePDUsTx" },
+    { 166, "aAggPortDebugInformationID" },
+    { 167, "aAggPortDebugRxState" },
+    { 168, "aAggPortDebugLastRxTime" },
+    { 169, "aAggPortDebugMuxState" },
+    { 170, "aAggPortDebugMuxReason" },
+    { 171, "aAggPortDebugActorChurnState" },
+    { 172, "aAggPortDebugPartnerChurnState" },
+    { 173, "aAggPortDebugActorChurnCount" },
+    { 174, "aAggPortDebugPartnerChurnCount" },
+    { 175, "aAggPortDebugActorSyncTransitionCount" },
+    { 176, "aAggPortDebugPartnerSyncTransitionCount" },
+    { 177, "aAggPortDebugActorChangeCount" },
+    { 178, "aAggPortDebugPartnerChangeCount" },
+    { 236, "aOAMID" },
+    { 237, "aOAMAdminState" },
+    { 238, "aOAMMode" },
+    { 239, "aOAMRemoteMACAddress" },
+    { 240, "aOAMRemoteConfiguration" },
+    { 241, "aOAMRemotePDUConfiguration" },
+    { 242, "aOAMLocalFlagsField" },
+    { 243, "aOAMRemoteFlagsField" },
+    { 244, "aOAMRemoteRevision" },
+    { 245, "aOAMRemoteState" },
+    { 246, "aOAMRemoteVendorOUI" },
+    { 247, "aOAMRemoteVendorSpecificInfo" },
+    { 250, "aOAMUnsupportedCodesRx" },
+    { 251, "aOAMInformationTx" },
+    { 252, "aOAMInformationRx" },
+    { 254, "aOAMUniqueEventNotificationRx" },
+    { 255, "aOAMDuplicateEventNotificationRx" },
+    { 256, "aOAMLoopbackControlTx" },
+    { 257, "aOAMLoopbackControlRx" },
+    { 258, "aOAMVariableRequestTx" },
+    { 259, "aOAMVariableRequestRx" },
+    { 260, "aOAMVariableResponseTx" },
+    { 261, "aOAMVariableResponseRx" },
+    { 262, "aOAMOrganizationSpecificTx" },
+    { 263, "aOAMOrganizationSpecificRx" },
+    { 264, "aOAMLocalErrSymPeriodConfig" },
+    { 265, "aOAMLocalErrSymPeriodEvent" },
+    { 266, "aOAMLocalErrFrameConfig" },
+    { 267, "aOAMLocalErrFrameEvent" },
+    { 268, "aOAMLocalErrFramePeriodConfig" },
+    { 269, "aOAMLocalErrFramePeriodEvent" },
+    { 270, "aOAMLocalErrFrameSecsSummaryConfig" },
+    { 271, "aOAMLocalErrFrameSecsSummaryEvent" },
+    { 272, "aOAMRemoteErrSymPeriodEvent" },
+    { 273, "aOAMRemoteErrFrameEvent" },
+    { 274, "aOAMRemoteErrFramePeriodEvent" },
+    { 275, "aOAMRemoteErrFrameSecsSummaryEvent" },
+    { 276, "aFramesLostDueToOAMError" },
+    { 333, "aOAMDiscoveryState"},
+    { 334, "aOAMLocalConfiguration"},
+    { 335, "aOAMLocalPDUConfiguration"},
+    { 336, "aOAMLocalRevision"},
+    { 337, "aOAMLocalState"},
+    { 338, "aOAMUnsupportedCodesTx" },
+    { 339, "aOAMUniqueEventNotificationTx" },
+    { 340, "aOAMDuplicateEventNotificationTx" },
+    { 0, NULL }
+ * In the OAM protocol the {iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) ieee802dot3(10006)
+ * csmacdmgt(30)} prefix for the objects is pre-define. Only the 
+ * package(4) is put in the branch and the leaf is one of the
+ * following value:
+ */
+static const value_string indication_vals[] = {
+    { 0x01, "Variable Container(s) exceeded OAMPDU data field" },
+    { 0x20, "Attribute->Unable to return due to an undetermined error" },
+    { 0x21, "Attribute->Unable to return because it is not supported" },
+    { 0x22, "Attribute->May have been corrupted due to reset" },
+    { 0x23, "Attribute->Unable to return due to a hardware failure" },
+    { 0x24, "Attribute->Experience an overflow error" },
+    { 0x40, "Object->End of object indication" },
+    { 0x41, "Object->Unable to return due to an undetermined error" },
+    { 0x42, "Object->Unable to return because it is not supported" },
+    { 0x43, "Object->May have been corrupted due to reset" },
+    { 0x44, "Object->Unable to return due to a hardware failure" },
+    { 0x60, "Package->End of package indication" },
+    { 0x61, "Package->Unable to return due to an undetermined error" },
+    { 0x62, "Package->Unable to return because it is not supported" },
+    { 0x63, "Package->May have been corrupted due to reset" },
+    { 0x64, "Package->Unable to return due to a hardware failure" },
+static const true_false_string yesno = {
+    "Yes",
+    "No"
+static const true_false_string falsetrue = {
+    "True",
+    "False"
+static const value_string status_vals[] = {
+    { 0x00, "Unsatisfied, can't complete" },
+    { 0x01, "Discovery in process" },
+    { 0x02, "Satisfied, Discovery complete" },
+    { 0x10, "Satisfied, Discovery complete" },
+    { 0x20, "Discovery in process" },
+    { 0x40, "Satisfied, Discovery complete" },
+    { 0x50, "BUG Satisfied, Discovery complete" },
+    { 0x80, "Discovery in process" },
+    { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string branch_vals[] = {
+    { 3, "Object" },
+    { 4, "Package" },
+    { 6, "nameBinding" },
+    { 7, "Attribute" },
+    { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string parser_vals[] = {
+    { 0, "Forward non-OAMPDUs to higher sublayer" },
+    { 1, "Loopback non-OAMPDUs to the lower sublayer" },
+    { 2, "Discarding non-OAMPDUs" },
+    { 3, "Reserved" },
+    { 0, NULL }
+static const true_false_string mux = {
+    "Discard non-OAMPDUs",
+    "Forward non-OAMPDUs to lower sublayer"
+static const true_false_string oam_mode = {
+    "DTE configured in Active mode",
+    "DTE configured in Passive mode"
+static const true_false_string oam_uni = {
+    "DTE is capable of sending OAMPDUs when rcv path is down",
+    "DTE is not capable of sending OAMPDUs when rcv path is down"
+static const true_false_string oam_lpbk = {
+    "DTE is capable of OAM remote loopback mode",
+    "DTE is not capable of OAM remote loopback mode"
+static const true_false_string oam_event = {
+    "DTE supports interpreting Link Events",
+    "DTE does not support interpreting Link Events"
+static const true_false_string oam_var = {
+    "DTE supports sending Variable Response",
+    "DTE does not support sending Variable Response"
+/* Initialise the protocol and registered fields */
+static int proto_slow = -1;
+static int hf_lacpdu_version_number = -1;
 static int hf_lacpdu_actor_type = -1;
 static int hf_lacpdu_actor_info_len = -1;
 static int hf_lacpdu_actor_sys_priority = -1;
@@ -138,654 +713,2215 @@
 static int hf_lacpdu_term_len = -1;
 static int hf_lacpdu_term_reserved = -1;
+/* MARKER */
+static int hf_marker_version_number = -1;
+static int hf_marker_tlv_type = -1;
+static int hf_marker_tlv_length = -1;
+static int hf_marker_req_port = -1;
+static int hf_marker_req_system = -1;
+static int hf_marker_req_trans_id = -1;
+/* OAM */
+static int hf_oampdu_flags = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_flags_link_fault = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_flags_dying_gasp = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_flags_critical_event = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_flags_local_evaluating = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_flags_local_stable = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_flags_remote_evaluating = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_flags_remote_stable = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_code = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_info_type = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_info_len = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_info_version = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_info_revision = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_info_state = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_info_oamConfig = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_info_oampduConfig = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_info_oui = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_info_vendor = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_info_state_parser = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_info_state_mux = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_info_oamConfig_mode = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_info_oamConfig_uni = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_info_oamConfig_lpbk = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_info_oamConfig_event = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_info_oamConfig_var = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_event_type = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_event_sequence = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_event_length = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_event_timeStamp = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_event_espeWindow = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_event_espeThreshold = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_event_espeErrors = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_event_espeTotalErrors = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_event_espeTotalEvents = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_event_efeWindow = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_event_efeThreshold = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_event_efeErrors = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_event_efeTotalErrors = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_event_efeTotalEvents = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_event_efpeWindow = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_event_efpeThreshold = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_event_efpeErrors = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_event_efpeTotalErrors = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_event_efpeTotalEvents = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_event_efsseWindow = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_event_efsseThreshold = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_event_efsseErrors = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_event_efsseTotalErrors = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_event_efsseTotalEvents = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_variable_branch = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_variable_object = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_variable_package = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_variable_binding = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_variable_attribute = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_variable_width = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_variable_indication = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_variable_value = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_lpbk = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_lpbk_enable = -1;
+static int hf_oampdu_lpbk_disable = -1;
 /* Initialise the subtree pointers */
 static gint ett_lacpdu = -1;
 static gint ett_lacpdu_a_flags = -1;
 static gint ett_lacpdu_p_flags = -1;
-/* General declarations and macros */
+static gint ett_marker = -1;
+static gint ett_oampdu = -1;
+static gint ett_oampdu_flags = -1;
+static gint ett_oampdu_local_info = -1;
+static gint ett_oampdu_local_info_state = -1;
+static gint ett_oampdu_local_info_config = -1;
+static gint ett_oampdu_remote_info = -1;
+static gint ett_oampdu_remote_info_state = -1;
+static gint ett_oampdu_remote_info_config = -1;
+static gint ett_oampdu_org_info = -1;
+static gint ett_oampdu_event_espe = -1;
+static gint ett_oampdu_event_efe = -1;
+static gint ett_oampdu_event_efpe = -1;
+static gint ett_oampdu_event_efsse = -1;
+static gint ett_oampdu_event_ose = -1;
-#define LACP_SUBTYPE 0x1
+static gint ett_oampdu_lpbk_ctrl = -1;
 static const char initial_sep[] = " (";
 static const char cont_sep[] = ", ";
 #define APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flag, item, string) \
-	if(flag){							\
-		if(item)						\
-			proto_item_append_text(item, string, sep);	\
-		sep = cont_sep;						\
-	}
+    if(flag){                            \
+        if(item)                        \
+            proto_item_append_text(item, string, sep);    \
+        sep = cont_sep;                        \
+    }
+#define APPEND_OUI_NAME(item, string, mac) \
+        if(item){                        \
+            string = get_manuf_name(mac); \
+            proto_item_append_text(item, " (");    \
+            proto_item_append_text(item, string);    \
+            proto_item_append_text(item, ")");    \
+        }
+static void
+dissect_lacp_pdu(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree);
-/* Code to actually dissect the LACPDU packets */
 static void
-dissect_lacpdu(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree)
+dissect_marker_pdu(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree);
+static void
+dissect_oampdu(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree);
+static void
+dissect_oampdu_information(tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *tree);
+static void
+dissect_oampdu_event_notification(tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *tree);
+static void
+dissect_oampdu_variable_request(tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *tree);
+static void
+dissect_oampdu_variable_response(tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *tree);
+static void
+dissect_oampdu_loopback_control(tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *tree);
+static void
+dissect_oampdu_vendor_specific(tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *tree);
+ * Name: dissect_slow_protocols
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *    This function is used to dissect the slow protocols define in IEEE802.3
+ *    CSMA/CD. The current slow protocols subtype are define in ANNEX 43B of
+ *    the 802.3 document. In case of an unsupported slow protocols, we only
+ *    fill the protocol and info columns.
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *    tvb: buffer associate with the rcv packet (see tvbuff.h).
+ *    pinfo: structure associate with the rcv packet (see packet_info.h).
+ *    tree: the protocol tree associate with the rcv packet (see proto.h).
+ *
+ * Return Values:
+ *    None
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ *    Dominique Bastien (dbastien@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
+ *      + add support for OAM slow protocol (defined in clause 57).
+ *      + add support for Marker slow protocol (defined in clause 43).
+ */
+static void
+dissect_slow_protocols(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree)
-      guint16 raw_word;
-      guint8  raw_octet;
+    guint8 subtype;
-      guint8  flags;
+    subtype = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, 0);
-      const guint8 *a_sys;
-      const guint8 *p_sys;
-      const guint8 *resv_bytes;
+    switch (subtype)
+    {
+        case LACP_SUBTYPE:
+            dissect_lacp_pdu(tvb, pinfo, tree);
+            break;
+        case MARKER_SUBTYPE:
+            dissect_marker_pdu(tvb, pinfo, tree);
+            break;
+        case OAM_SUBTYPE:
+            dissect_oampdu(tvb, pinfo, tree);
+            break;
+        default:
+        {
+            if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL))
+                col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "Slow Protocols");
+            if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO))
+                col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Unknown Subtype = %u.", subtype);
+            break;
+        }
+    }
-      proto_tree *lacpdu_tree;
-      proto_item *lacpdu_item;
-      proto_tree *actor_flags_tree;
-      proto_item *actor_flags_item;
-      proto_tree *partner_flags_tree;
-      proto_item *partner_flags_item;
+ * Name: dissect_lacp_pdu
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *    This function is used to dissect the Link Aggregation Control Protocol
+ *    slow protocols define in IEEE802.3 clause 43.3 .
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *    tvb: buffer associate with the rcv packet (see tvbuff.h).
+ *    pinfo: structure associate with the rcv packet (see packet_info.h).
+ *    tree: the protocol tree associate with the rcv packet (see proto.h).
+ *
+ * Return Values: None
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ */
+static void
+dissect_lacp_pdu(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree)
+    guint16 raw_word;
+    guint8  raw_octet;
+    guint8  flags;
-      const char *sep;
+    const guint8 *a_sys;
+    const guint8 *p_sys;
+    const guint8 *resv_bytes;
+    proto_tree *lacpdu_tree;
+    proto_item *lacpdu_item;
+    proto_tree *actor_flags_tree;
+    proto_item *actor_flags_item;
+    proto_tree *partner_flags_tree;
+    proto_item *partner_flags_item;
-      if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL))
-      {
-	    col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "LACP"); /* LACP Protocol */
-      }
+    const char *sep;
-      if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO))
+	if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL)) 
+		col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "LACP");
+	if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO)) 
+		col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Link Aggregation Control Protocol");
+      if (tree)
-	    col_clear(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO);
+        /* Add LACP Heading */
+        lacpdu_item = proto_tree_add_protocol_format(tree, proto_slow, tvb,
+                0, -1, "Link Aggregation Control Protocol");
+        lacpdu_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(lacpdu_item, ett_lacpdu);
+        /* Version Number */
+        raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, LACPDU_VERSION_NUMBER);
+        proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_version_number, tvb,
+                LACPDU_VERSION_NUMBER, 1, raw_octet);
+        if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO))
+        {
+        col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Version %d.  ", raw_octet);
+        }
+        /* Actor Type */
+        raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, LACPDU_ACTOR_TYPE);
+        proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_actor_type, tvb,
+                LACPDU_ACTOR_TYPE, 1, raw_octet);
+        /* Actor Info Length */
+        raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, LACPDU_ACTOR_INFO_LEN);
+        proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_actor_info_len, tvb,
+                LACPDU_ACTOR_INFO_LEN, 1, raw_octet);
+        /* Actor System Priority */
+        raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, LACPDU_ACTOR_SYS_PRIORITY);
+        proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_actor_sys_priority, tvb,
+                LACPDU_ACTOR_SYS_PRIORITY, 2, raw_word);
+        /* Actor System */
+        a_sys = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, LACPDU_ACTOR_SYSTEM , 6);
+        proto_tree_add_ether(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_actor_sys, tvb,
+                LACPDU_ACTOR_SYSTEM, 6, a_sys);
+        /* Actor Key */
+        raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, LACPDU_ACTOR_KEY);
+        proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_actor_key, tvb,
+                LACPDU_ACTOR_KEY, 2, raw_word);
+        /* Actor Port Priority */
+        raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, LACPDU_ACTOR_PORT_PRIORITY);
+        proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_actor_port_priority, tvb,
+                LACPDU_ACTOR_PORT_PRIORITY, 2, raw_word);
+        /* Actor Port */
+        raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, LACPDU_ACTOR_PORT);
+        proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_actor_port, tvb,
+                LACPDU_ACTOR_PORT, 2, raw_word);
+        if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO))
+        {
+        col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Actor Port = %d ", raw_word);
+        }
+        /* Actor State */
+        flags = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, LACPDU_ACTOR_STATE);
+        actor_flags_item = proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_actor_state, tvb,
+                LACPDU_ACTOR_STATE, 1, flags);
+        actor_flags_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(actor_flags_item, ett_lacpdu_a_flags);
+        sep = initial_sep;
+        /* Activity Flag */
+        APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_ACTIVITY, actor_flags_item,
+                "%sActivity");
+        proto_tree_add_boolean(actor_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_a_activity, tvb,
+                LACPDU_ACTOR_STATE, 1, flags);
+        /* Timeout Flag */
+        APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_TIMEOUT, actor_flags_item,
+                "%sTimeout");
+        proto_tree_add_boolean(actor_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_a_timeout, tvb,
+                LACPDU_ACTOR_STATE, 1, flags);
+        /* Aggregation Flag */
+        APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_AGGREGATION, actor_flags_item,
+                "%sAggregation");
+        proto_tree_add_boolean(actor_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_a_aggregation, tvb,
+                LACPDU_ACTOR_STATE, 1, flags);
+        /* Synchronization Flag */
+        APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_SYNC, actor_flags_item,
+                "%sSynchronization");
+        proto_tree_add_boolean(actor_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_a_sync, tvb,
+                LACPDU_ACTOR_STATE, 1, flags);
+        /* Collecting Flag */
+        APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_COLLECTING, actor_flags_item,
+                "%sCollecting");
+        proto_tree_add_boolean(actor_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_a_collecting, tvb,
+                LACPDU_ACTOR_STATE, 1, flags);
+        /* Distributing Flag */
+        APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_DISTRIB, actor_flags_item,
+                "%sDistributing");
+        proto_tree_add_boolean(actor_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_a_distrib, tvb,
+                LACPDU_ACTOR_STATE, 1, flags);
+        /* Defaulted Flag */
+        APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_DEFAULTED, actor_flags_item,
+                "%sDefaulted");
+        proto_tree_add_boolean(actor_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_a_defaulted, tvb,
+                LACPDU_ACTOR_STATE, 1, flags);
+        /* Expired Flag */
+        APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_EXPIRED, actor_flags_item,
+                "%sExpired");
+        proto_tree_add_boolean(actor_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_a_expired, tvb,
+                LACPDU_ACTOR_STATE, 1, flags);
+        sep = cont_sep;
+        if (sep != initial_sep)
+        {
+        /* We put something in; put in the terminating ")" */
+        proto_item_append_text(actor_flags_item, ")");
+        }
+        /* Actor Reserved */
+        resv_bytes = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, LACPDU_ACTOR_RESERVED, 3);
+        proto_tree_add_bytes(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_actor_reserved, tvb,
+                LACPDU_ACTOR_RESERVED, 3, resv_bytes);
+        /* Partner Type */
+        raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, LACPDU_PARTNER_TYPE);
+        proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_partner_type, tvb,
+                LACPDU_PARTNER_TYPE, 1, raw_octet);
+        /* Partner Info Length */
+        raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, LACPDU_PARTNER_INFO_LEN);
+        proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_partner_info_len, tvb,
+                LACPDU_PARTNER_INFO_LEN, 1, raw_octet);
+        /* Partner System Priority */
+        raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, LACPDU_PARTNER_SYS_PRIORITY);
+        proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_partner_sys_priority, tvb,
+                LACPDU_PARTNER_SYS_PRIORITY, 2, raw_word);
+        /* Partner System */
+        p_sys = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, LACPDU_PARTNER_SYSTEM, 6);
+        proto_tree_add_ether(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_partner_sys, tvb,
+                LACPDU_PARTNER_SYSTEM, 6, p_sys);
+        /* Partner Key */
+        raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, LACPDU_PARTNER_KEY);
+        proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_partner_key, tvb,
+                LACPDU_PARTNER_KEY, 2, raw_word);
+        /* Partner Port Priority */
+        raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, LACPDU_PARTNER_PORT_PRIORITY);
+        proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_partner_port_priority, tvb,
+                LACPDU_PARTNER_PORT_PRIORITY, 2, raw_word);
+        /* Partner Port */
+        raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, LACPDU_PARTNER_PORT);
+        proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_partner_port, tvb,
+                LACPDU_PARTNER_PORT, 2, raw_word);
+        if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO))
+        {
+        col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Partner Port = %d ", raw_word);
+        }
+        /* Partner State */
+        flags = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, LACPDU_PARTNER_STATE);
+        partner_flags_item = proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_partner_state, tvb,
+                LACPDU_PARTNER_STATE, 1, flags);
+        partner_flags_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(partner_flags_item, ett_lacpdu_p_flags);
+        sep = initial_sep;
+        /* Activity Flag */
+        APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_ACTIVITY, partner_flags_item,
+                "%sActivity");
+        proto_tree_add_boolean(partner_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_p_activity, tvb,
+                LACPDU_PARTNER_STATE, 1, flags);
+        /* Timeout Flag */
+        APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_TIMEOUT, partner_flags_item,
+                "%sTimeout");
+        proto_tree_add_boolean(partner_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_p_timeout, tvb,
+                LACPDU_PARTNER_STATE, 1, flags);
+        /* Aggregation Flag */
+        APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_AGGREGATION, partner_flags_item,
+                "%sAggregation");
+        proto_tree_add_boolean(partner_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_p_aggregation, tvb,
+                LACPDU_PARTNER_STATE, 1, flags);
+        /* Synchronization Flag */
+        APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_SYNC, partner_flags_item,
+                "%sSynchronization");
+        proto_tree_add_boolean(partner_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_p_sync, tvb,
+                LACPDU_PARTNER_STATE, 1, flags);
+        /* Collecting Flag */
+        APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_COLLECTING, partner_flags_item,
+                "%sCollecting");
+        proto_tree_add_boolean(partner_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_p_collecting, tvb,
+                LACPDU_PARTNER_STATE, 1, flags);
+        /* Distributing Flag */
+        APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_DISTRIB, partner_flags_item,
+                "%sDistributing");
+        proto_tree_add_boolean(partner_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_p_distrib, tvb,
+                LACPDU_PARTNER_STATE, 1, flags);
+        /* Defaulted Flag */
+        APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_DEFAULTED, partner_flags_item,
+                "%sDefaulted");
+        proto_tree_add_boolean(partner_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_p_defaulted, tvb,
+                LACPDU_PARTNER_STATE, 1, flags);
+        /* Expired Flag */
+        APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_EXPIRED, partner_flags_item,
+                "%sExpired");
+        proto_tree_add_boolean(partner_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_p_expired, tvb,
+                LACPDU_PARTNER_STATE, 1, flags);
+        sep = cont_sep;
+        if (sep != initial_sep)
+        {
+        /* We put something in; put in the terminating ")" */
+        proto_item_append_text(partner_flags_item, ")");
+        }
+        /* Partner Reserved */
+        resv_bytes = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, LACPDU_PARTNER_RESERVED, 3);
+        proto_tree_add_bytes(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_partner_reserved, tvb,
+                LACPDU_PARTNER_RESERVED, 3, resv_bytes);
+        /* Collector Type */
+        raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, LACPDU_COLL_TYPE);
+        proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_coll_type, tvb,
+                LACPDU_COLL_TYPE, 1, raw_octet);
+        /* Collector Info Length */
+        raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, LACPDU_COLL_INFO_LEN);
+        proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_coll_info_len, tvb,
+                LACPDU_COLL_INFO_LEN, 1, raw_octet);
+        /* Collector Max Delay */
+        raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, LACPDU_COLL_MAX_DELAY);
+        proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_coll_max_delay, tvb,
+                LACPDU_COLL_MAX_DELAY, 2, raw_word);
+        /* Collector Reserved */
+        resv_bytes = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, LACPDU_COLL_RESERVED, 12);
+        proto_tree_add_bytes(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_coll_reserved, tvb,
+                LACPDU_COLL_RESERVED, 12, resv_bytes);
+        /* Terminator Type */
+        raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, LACPDU_TERM_TYPE);
+        proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_term_type, tvb,
+                LACPDU_TERM_TYPE, 1, raw_octet);
+        /* Terminator Info Length */
+        raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, LACPDU_TERM_LEN);
+        proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_term_len, tvb,
+                LACPDU_TERM_LEN, 1, raw_octet);
+        /* Terminator Reserved */
+        resv_bytes = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, LACPDU_TERM_RESERVED, 50);
+        proto_tree_add_bytes(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_term_reserved, tvb,
+                LACPDU_TERM_RESERVED, 50, resv_bytes);
-      if (tree)
-	  {
-	    /* Add LACP Heading */
-	    lacpdu_item = proto_tree_add_protocol_format(tree, proto_lacpdu, tvb,
-				0, -1, "Link Aggregation Control Protocol");
-	    lacpdu_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(lacpdu_item, ett_lacpdu);
-	    /* Version Number */
-	    raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, LACPDU_VERSION_NUMBER);
-	    proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_version_number, tvb,
-				LACPDU_VERSION_NUMBER, 1, raw_octet);
-	    if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO))
-	    {
-		col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Version %d.  ", raw_octet);
+ * Name: dissect_marker_pdu
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *    This function is used to dissect the Link Aggregation Marker Protocol
+ *    slow protocols define in IEEE802.3 clause 43.5 (The PDUs are define
+ *    in section The TLV type are, 0x01 for a marker TLV and 0x02 
+ *    for a marker response. A value of 0x00 indicate an end of message.
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *    tvb: buffer associate with the rcv packet (see tvbuff.h).
+ *    pinfo: structure associate with the rcv packet (see packet_info.h).
+ *    tree: the protocol tree associate with the rcv packet (see proto.h).
+ *
+ * Return Values: None
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ *    Dominique Bastien (dbastien@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
+ *      + add support for MARKER and MARKER Response PDUs.
+ */
+static void
+dissect_marker_pdu(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree)
+    guint8  raw_octet;
+    guint16 raw_word;
+    guint32 dword;
+    guint32 offset;
+    const guint8 *a_sys;
+    proto_tree *marker_tree;
+    proto_item *marker_item;
+	if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL)) 
+		col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "MARKER");
+	if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO)) 
+		col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Marker Protocol");
+    if (tree)
+    {
+        marker_item = proto_tree_add_protocol_format(tree, proto_slow, tvb,
+                            0, -1, "Marker Protocol");
+        marker_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(marker_item, ett_marker);
+        offset = 1;
+        /* Version Number */
+        raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
+        proto_tree_add_uint(marker_tree, hf_marker_version_number, tvb,
+                offset, 1, raw_octet);
+        offset += 1;
+        while (1)
+        {
+            /* TLV Type */
+            raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
+            if (raw_octet==0) break;
+            proto_tree_add_uint(marker_tree, hf_marker_tlv_type, tvb,
+                    offset, 1, raw_octet);
+            offset += 1;
+            /* TLV Length */
+            raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
+            proto_tree_add_uint(marker_tree, hf_marker_tlv_length, tvb,
+                    offset, 1, raw_octet);
+            offset += 1;
+            /* Requester Port */
+            raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset);
+            proto_tree_add_uint(marker_tree, hf_marker_req_port, tvb,
+                    offset, 2, raw_word);
+            offset += 2;
+            /* Requester System */
+            a_sys = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, offset , 6);
+            proto_tree_add_ether(marker_tree, hf_marker_req_system, tvb,
+                    offset, 6, a_sys);
+            offset += 6;
+            /* Requester Transaction ID */
+            dword = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset);
+            proto_tree_add_uint(marker_tree, hf_marker_req_trans_id, tvb,
+                    offset, 4, dword);
+            offset += 2;
+            /* Pad to align */
+            offset += 2;
+        }
+    }
+ * Name: dissect_oampdu
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *    This function is used to dissect the Operation, Administration, and 
+ *    Maintenance slow protocol define in IEEE802.3 clause 57 (The OAMPDUs
+ *    common part is define in section 57.4).
+ *
+ *    Only the 6 folowing code are currently define in the 2004 version of this
+ *    protocol:
+ *       OAMPDU_VAR_REQUEST: 0x2
+ *       OAMPDU_VAR_RESPONSE: 0x3
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *    tvb: buffer associate with the rcv packet (see tvbuff.h).
+ *    pinfo: structure associate with the rcv packet (see packet_info.h).
+ *    tree: the protocol tree associate with the rcv packet (see proto.h).
+ *
+ * Return Values: None
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ *    Dominique Bastien (dbastien@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
+ *      + add support for 802.3ah-2004.
+ */
+static void
+dissect_oampdu(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree)
+    guint8    oampdu_code;
+    guint16   flags,state;
+    guint32   i;
+    proto_tree *oampdu_tree;
+    proto_item *oampdu_item;
+    proto_tree *flags_tree;
+    proto_item *flags_item;
+    const char *sep = initial_sep;
+	if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL)) 
+		col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "OAM");
+    oampdu_code = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, OAMPDU_CODE);
+    switch (oampdu_code)
+    {
+	        if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO)) 
+		        col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "OAMPDU: Information");
+            break;
+	        if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO)) 
+		        col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "OAMPDU: Event Notification");
+            break;
+        case OAMPDU_VAR_REQUEST:
+	        if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO)) 
+		        col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "OAMPDU: Variable Request");
+            break;
+        case OAMPDU_VAR_RESPONSE:
+	        if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO)) 
+		        col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "OAMPDU: Variable Response");
+            break;
+	        if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO)) 
+		        col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "OAMPDU: Loopback Control");
+            break;
+	        if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO)) 
+		        col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "OAMPDU: Organization Specific");
+            break;
+        default:
+	        if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO)) 
+		        col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "OAMPDU reserved");
+            break;
+    }
+    if (tree)
+    {
+        /* Add OAM Heading */
+        oampdu_item = proto_tree_add_protocol_format(tree, proto_slow, tvb,
+                0, -1, "OAM Protocol");
+        oampdu_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(oampdu_item, ett_oampdu);
+        /* Flags field */
+        flags = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, OAMPDU_FLAGS);
+        flags_item = proto_tree_add_uint(oampdu_tree, hf_oampdu_flags, tvb,
+                OAMPDU_FLAGS, 2, flags);
+        flags_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(flags_item, ett_oampdu_flags);
+        /*
+         * In this section we add keywords for the bit set on the Flags's line.
+         * We also add all the bit inside the subtree.
+         */
+                "%sLink Fault");
+        proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_oampdu_flags_link_fault,
+                tvb, OAMPDU_FLAGS, 1, flags);
+                "%sDying Gasp");
+        proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_oampdu_flags_dying_gasp,
+                tvb, OAMPDU_FLAGS, 1, flags);
+                "%sCriticalEvent");
+        proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_oampdu_flags_critical_event,
+                tvb, OAMPDU_FLAGS, 1, flags);
+        proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_oampdu_flags_local_evaluating,
+                tvb, OAMPDU_FLAGS, 1, flags);
+        proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_oampdu_flags_local_stable,
+                tvb, OAMPDU_FLAGS, 1, flags);
+        proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_oampdu_flags_remote_evaluating,
+                tvb, OAMPDU_FLAGS, 1, flags);
+        proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_oampdu_flags_remote_stable,
+                tvb, OAMPDU_FLAGS, 1, flags);
+        if (sep != cont_sep)
+            proto_item_append_text(flags_item, " (");
+        else
+            proto_item_append_text(flags_item, ", ");
+        for(i=0;i<2;i++)
+        {
+            if (i==0)
+            {
+                proto_item_append_text(flags_item, "local: ");
+                state = (flags&(OAMPDU_FLAGS_LOCAL_EVAL|OAMPDU_FLAGS_LOCAL_STABLE));
+                state = state>>3;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                proto_item_append_text(flags_item, "remote: ");
+                state = state>>5;
+            }
+            switch (state)
+            {
+                case 0:
+                    proto_item_append_text(flags_item, "Unsatisfied");
+                    break;
+                case 1:
+                    proto_item_append_text(flags_item, "Discovery in process");
+                    break;
+                case 2:
+                    proto_item_append_text(flags_item, "Discovery complete");
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    proto_item_append_text(flags_item, "Reserved");
+                    break;
+            }
+            if (i==0)     
+                proto_item_append_text(flags_item, ", ");
+        }        
+        proto_item_append_text(flags_item, ")");
+        /* OAMPDU code */
+        oampdu_code = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, OAMPDU_CODE);
+        proto_tree_add_uint(oampdu_tree, hf_oampdu_code, tvb,
+                OAMPDU_CODE, 1, oampdu_code);
+	    switch (oampdu_code)
+        {
+	        case OAMPDU_INFORMATION:
+                dissect_oampdu_information(tvb, oampdu_tree);
+	            break;
+                dissect_oampdu_event_notification(tvb, oampdu_tree);
+	            break;
+	        case OAMPDU_VAR_REQUEST:
+                dissect_oampdu_variable_request(tvb, oampdu_tree);
+	            break;
+	        case OAMPDU_VAR_RESPONSE:
+                dissect_oampdu_variable_response(tvb, oampdu_tree);
+	            break;
+	        case OAMPDU_LOOPBACK_CTRL:
+                dissect_oampdu_loopback_control(tvb, oampdu_tree);
+	            break;
+                dissect_oampdu_vendor_specific(tvb, oampdu_tree);
+	        default:
+	            break;
+    }
-	    /* Actor Type */
-	    raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, LACPDU_ACTOR_TYPE);
-	    proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_actor_type, tvb,
-				LACPDU_ACTOR_TYPE, 1, raw_octet);
+ * Name: dissect_oampdu_information
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *    This function is used to dissect the Information TLVs define in IEEE802.3
+ *    section 57.5.2).
+ *
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *    tvb: buffer associate with the rcv packet (see tvbuff.h).
+ *    tree: the protocol tree associate with the oampdu (see proto.h).
+ *
+ * Return Values: None
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ *    Dominique Bastien (dbastien@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
+ *      + add support for 802.3ah-2004.
+ */
+static void
+dissect_oampdu_information(tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *tree)
+      guint16   raw_word;
+      guint8    raw_octet;
+      guint8    info_type;
+      guint32   offset;
+      guint16   bytes;
-	    /* Actor Info Length */
-	    raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, LACPDU_ACTOR_INFO_LEN);
-	    proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_actor_info_len, tvb,
-				LACPDU_ACTOR_INFO_LEN, 1, raw_octet);
+      const guint8 *resv_bytes;
+      const guint8 *ptr;
-	    /* Actor System Priority */
+      proto_tree *info_tree;
+      proto_item *info_item;
+      proto_tree *state_tree;
+      proto_item *state_item;
+      proto_tree *cfg_tree;
+      proto_item *cfg_item;
+      proto_item *oui_item;
+      proto_item *item;
-	    raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, LACPDU_ACTOR_SYS_PRIORITY);
-	    proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_actor_sys_priority, tvb,
-				LACPDU_ACTOR_SYS_PRIORITY, 2, raw_word);
-	    /* Actor System */
-	    a_sys = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, LACPDU_ACTOR_SYSTEM , 6);
-	    proto_tree_add_ether(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_actor_sys, tvb,
-				LACPDU_ACTOR_SYSTEM, 6, a_sys);
+      offset = OAMPDU_HEADER_SIZE;
-	    /* Actor Key */
+      bytes = tvb_length_remaining(tvb, offset);
-	    raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, LACPDU_ACTOR_KEY);
-	    proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_actor_key, tvb,
-				LACPDU_ACTOR_KEY, 2, raw_word);
+      while (1)
+      {
+        bytes = tvb_length_remaining(tvb, offset);
+        if (bytes < 1) break;
-	    /* Actor Port Priority */
+        info_type = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
-	    raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, LACPDU_ACTOR_PORT_PRIORITY);
-	    proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_actor_port_priority, tvb,
-				LACPDU_ACTOR_PORT_PRIORITY, 2, raw_word);
+        if (info_type == 0) break;
-	    /* Actor Port */
+        info_item = proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_oampdu_info_type, tvb,
+                            offset, 1, info_type);
+        switch (info_type)
+        {
+            info_tree = NULL;
+           break;
+         case OAMPDU_INFO_TYPE_LOCAL:
+           info_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(info_item, ett_oampdu_local_info);
+           break;
+           info_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(info_item, ett_oampdu_remote_info);
+           break;
+         case OAMPDU_INFO_TYPE_ORG:
+           info_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(info_item, ett_oampdu_org_info);
+           break;
+         default:
+            info_tree = NULL;
+           break;
+        }
+        offset += OAMPDU_INFO_TYPE_SZ;
+        if ((info_type==OAMPDU_INFO_TYPE_LOCAL)||(info_type==OAMPDU_INFO_TYPE_REMOTE))
+        {
+            raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
+            proto_tree_add_uint(info_tree, hf_oampdu_info_len,
+                    tvb, offset, 1, raw_octet);
+            offset += OAMPDU_INFO_LENGTH_SZ;
+            raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
+            proto_tree_add_uint(info_tree, hf_oampdu_info_version,
+                    tvb, offset, 1, raw_octet);
+            offset += OAMPDU_INFO_VERSION_SZ;
+            raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset);
+            proto_tree_add_uint(info_tree, hf_oampdu_info_revision,
+                    tvb, offset, 2, raw_word);
+            offset += OAMPDU_INFO_REVISION_SZ;
+            /* Build OAM State field field */
+            raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
+            state_item = proto_tree_add_uint(info_tree, hf_oampdu_info_state,
+                    tvb, offset, 1, raw_octet);
+            if (raw_octet == OAMPDU_INFO_TYPE_LOCAL)
+                state_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(state_item, ett_oampdu_local_info_state);
+            else
+                state_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(state_item, ett_oampdu_remote_info_state);
+            proto_tree_add_boolean(state_tree, hf_oampdu_info_state_parser,
+                    tvb, offset, 1, raw_octet);
+            proto_tree_add_boolean(state_tree, hf_oampdu_info_state_mux,
+                    tvb, offset, 1, raw_octet);
+            offset += OAMPDU_INFO_STATE_SZ;
+            /* Build OAM configuration field */
+            raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
+            cfg_item = proto_tree_add_uint(info_tree, hf_oampdu_info_oamConfig,
+                    tvb, offset, 1, raw_octet);
+            if (raw_octet == OAMPDU_INFO_TYPE_LOCAL)
+                cfg_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(cfg_item, ett_oampdu_local_info_config);
+            else
+                cfg_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(cfg_item, ett_oampdu_remote_info_config);
+            proto_tree_add_boolean(cfg_tree, hf_oampdu_info_oamConfig_mode,
+                    tvb, offset, 1, raw_octet);
+            proto_tree_add_boolean(cfg_tree, hf_oampdu_info_oamConfig_uni,
+                    tvb, offset, 1, raw_octet);
+            proto_tree_add_boolean(cfg_tree, hf_oampdu_info_oamConfig_lpbk,
+                    tvb, offset, 1, raw_octet);
+            proto_tree_add_boolean(cfg_tree, hf_oampdu_info_oamConfig_event,
+                    tvb, offset, 1, raw_octet);
+            proto_tree_add_boolean(cfg_tree, hf_oampdu_info_oamConfig_var,
+                    tvb, offset, 1, raw_octet);
+            offset += OAMPDU_INFO_OAM_CONFIG_SZ;
+            raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset);
+            item = proto_tree_add_uint(info_tree, hf_oampdu_info_oampduConfig,
+                    tvb, offset, 2, raw_word);
+            proto_item_append_text(item, " (bytes)");
+            offset += OAMPDU_INFO_OAMPDU_CONFIG_SZ;
+            resv_bytes = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, offset, 3);
+            oui_item = proto_tree_add_bytes(info_tree, hf_oampdu_info_oui,
+                    tvb, offset, 3, resv_bytes);
+			APPEND_OUI_NAME(oui_item, ptr, resv_bytes);
+            offset += OAMPDU_INFO_OUI_SZ;
+            resv_bytes = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, offset, 4);
+            proto_tree_add_bytes(info_tree, hf_oampdu_info_vendor,
+                    tvb, offset, 4, resv_bytes);
+            offset += OAMPDU_INFO_VENDOR_SPECIFIC_SZ;
+         }
+         else if (info_type == OAMPDU_INFO_TYPE_ORG)
+         {
+            /* see IEEE802.3, section for more details */
+            raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
+            proto_tree_add_uint(info_tree, hf_oampdu_info_len,
+                    tvb, offset, 1, raw_octet);
+            offset += OAMPDU_INFO_LENGTH_SZ;
+            resv_bytes = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, offset, 3);
+            oui_item = proto_tree_add_bytes(info_tree, hf_oampdu_info_oui,
+                    tvb, offset, 3, resv_bytes);
+			APPEND_OUI_NAME(oui_item, ptr, resv_bytes);
+            offset += OAMPDU_INFO_OUI_SZ;
+            resv_bytes = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, offset, raw_octet-5);
+            proto_tree_add_bytes(info_tree, hf_oampdu_info_vendor,
+                    tvb, offset, raw_octet-5, resv_bytes);
+            offset += raw_octet-2;
+         }
+         else if (info_type==OAMPDU_INFO_TYPE_ENDMARKER)
+         {
+           /* A TLV of zero indicate an End of TLV marker */
+           break;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            /* If it's a unknown type jump over */
+            raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
+            offset += raw_octet;
+         }
+      }
-	    raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, LACPDU_ACTOR_PORT);
-	    proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_actor_port, tvb,
-				LACPDU_ACTOR_PORT, 2, raw_word);
+ * Name: dissect_oampdu_event_notification
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *    This function is used to dissect the Event Notification TLVs define in
+ *    IEEE802.3 section 57.5.3).
+ *
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *    tvb: buffer associate with the rcv packet (see tvbuff.h).
+ *    tree: the protocol tree associate with the oampdu (see proto.h).
+ *
+ * Return Values: None
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ *    Dominique Bastien (dbastien@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
+ *      + add support for 802.3ah-2004.
+ */
+static void
+dissect_oampdu_event_notification(tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *tree)
+    guint8    raw_octet;
+    guint16   raw_word;
+    guint32   dword;
+    guint64   big;
-	    if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO))
-	    {
-		col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Actor Port = %d ", raw_word);
-	    }
+    guint8    event_type;
+    guint32   offset;
+    guint16   bytes;
-	    /* Actor State */
+    proto_tree *event_tree;
+    proto_item *event_item;
-	    flags = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, LACPDU_ACTOR_STATE);
-	    actor_flags_item = proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_actor_state, tvb,
-				LACPDU_ACTOR_STATE, 1, flags);
-	    actor_flags_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(actor_flags_item, ett_lacpdu_a_flags);
+    offset = OAMPDU_HEADER_SIZE;
-	    sep = initial_sep;
+    /* Display the sequence number before displaying the TLVs */
+    raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset);
+    proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_oampdu_event_sequence,
+            tvb, offset, 2, raw_word);
-	    /* Activity Flag */
-	    APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_ACTIVITY, actor_flags_item,
-				"%sActivity");
-	    proto_tree_add_boolean(actor_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_a_activity, tvb,
-				LACPDU_ACTOR_STATE, 1, flags);
+    while (1)
+    {
+        bytes = tvb_length_remaining(tvb, offset);
+        if (bytes < 1) break;
-	    /* Timeout Flag */
+        event_type = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
-	    APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_TIMEOUT, actor_flags_item,
-				"%sTimeout");
-	    proto_tree_add_boolean(actor_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_a_timeout, tvb,
-				LACPDU_ACTOR_STATE, 1, flags);
+        if (event_type == 0) break;
-	    /* Aggregation Flag */
+        event_item = proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_oampdu_event_type,
+                            tvb, offset, 1, event_type);
-				"%sAggregation");
-	    proto_tree_add_boolean(actor_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_a_aggregation, tvb,
-				LACPDU_ACTOR_STATE, 1, flags);
+        offset += OAMPDU_EVENT_TYPE_SZ;
-	    /* Synchronization Flag */
+        switch (event_type)
+        {
+            case OAMPDU_EVENT_TYPE_END:
+                break; 
+            case OAMPDU_EVENT_TYPE_ESPE: 
+            {
+                event_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(event_item,
+                                    ett_oampdu_event_espe);
-	    APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_SYNC, actor_flags_item,
-				"%sSynchronization");
-	    proto_tree_add_boolean(actor_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_a_sync, tvb,
-				LACPDU_ACTOR_STATE, 1, flags);
+                raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_length,
+                        tvb, offset, 1, raw_octet);
-	    /* Collecting Flag */
+                offset += OAMPDU_EVENT_LENGTH_SZ;
-	    APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_COLLECTING, actor_flags_item,
-				"%sCollecting");
-	    proto_tree_add_boolean(actor_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_a_collecting, tvb,
-				LACPDU_ACTOR_STATE, 1, flags);
+                raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_timeStamp,
+                        tvb, offset, 2, raw_word);
+                offset += OAMPDU_EVENT_TIMESTAMP_SZ;
-	    /* Distributing Flag */
+                big = tvb_get_ntoh64(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint64(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_espeWindow,
+                        tvb, offset, 8, big);
-	    APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_DISTRIB, actor_flags_item,
-				"%sDistributing");
-	    proto_tree_add_boolean(actor_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_a_distrib, tvb,
-				LACPDU_ACTOR_STATE, 1, flags);
+                offset += OAMPDU_ESPE_WINDOW_SZ;
-	    /* Defaulted Flag */
+                big = tvb_get_ntoh64(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint64(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_espeThreshold,
+                        tvb, offset, 8, big);
-	    APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_DEFAULTED, actor_flags_item,
-				"%sDefaulted");
-	    proto_tree_add_boolean(actor_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_a_defaulted, tvb,
-				LACPDU_ACTOR_STATE, 1, flags);
+                offset += OAMPDU_ESPE_THRESHOLD_SZ;
-	    /* Expired Flag */
+                big = tvb_get_ntoh64(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint64(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_espeErrors,
+                        tvb, offset, 8, big);
-	    APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_EXPIRED, actor_flags_item,
-				"%sExpired");
-	    proto_tree_add_boolean(actor_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_a_expired, tvb,
-				LACPDU_ACTOR_STATE, 1, flags);
+                offset += OAMPDU_ESPE_ERRORS_SZ;
-	    sep = cont_sep;
-	    if (sep != initial_sep)
-	    {
-		/* We put something in; put in the terminating ")" */
-		proto_item_append_text(actor_flags_item, ")");
-	    }
+                big = tvb_get_ntoh64(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint64(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_espeTotalErrors,
+                        tvb, offset, 8, big);
-	    /* Actor Reserved */
+                offset += OAMPDU_ESPE_ERR_TOTAL_SZ;
-	    resv_bytes = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, LACPDU_ACTOR_RESERVED, 3);
-	    proto_tree_add_bytes(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_actor_reserved, tvb,
-				LACPDU_ACTOR_RESERVED, 3, resv_bytes);
+                dword = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_espeTotalEvents,
+                        tvb, offset, 4, dword);
+                offset += OAMPDU_ESPE_TOTAL_SZ;
+                break;
+            }
+            case OAMPDU_EVENT_TYPE_EFE:  
+            {
+                event_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(event_item,
+                                    ett_oampdu_event_efe);
-	    /* Partner Type */
-	    raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, LACPDU_PARTNER_TYPE);
-	    proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_partner_type, tvb,
-				LACPDU_PARTNER_TYPE, 1, raw_octet);
+                raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_length,
+                        tvb, offset, 1, raw_octet);
-	    /* Partner Info Length */
-	    raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, LACPDU_PARTNER_INFO_LEN);
-	    proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_partner_info_len, tvb,
-				LACPDU_PARTNER_INFO_LEN, 1, raw_octet);
+                offset += OAMPDU_EVENT_LENGTH_SZ;
-	    /* Partner System Priority */
+                raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_timeStamp,
+                        tvb, offset, 2, raw_word);
-	    raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, LACPDU_PARTNER_SYS_PRIORITY);
-	    proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_partner_sys_priority, tvb,
+                offset += OAMPDU_EVENT_TIMESTAMP_SZ;
-	    /* Partner System */
+                raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_efeWindow,
+                        tvb, offset, 2, raw_word);
-	    p_sys = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, LACPDU_PARTNER_SYSTEM, 6);
-	    proto_tree_add_ether(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_partner_sys, tvb,
-				LACPDU_PARTNER_SYSTEM, 6, p_sys);
+                offset += OAMPDU_EFE_WINDOW_SZ;
-	    /* Partner Key */
+                dword = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_efeThreshold,
+                        tvb, offset, 4, dword);
-	    raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, LACPDU_PARTNER_KEY);
-	    proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_partner_key, tvb,
-				LACPDU_PARTNER_KEY, 2, raw_word);
+                offset += OAMPDU_EFE_THRESHOLD_SZ;
-	    /* Partner Port Priority */
+                dword = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_efeErrors,
+                        tvb, offset, 4, dword);
-	    raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, LACPDU_PARTNER_PORT_PRIORITY);
-	    proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_partner_port_priority, tvb,
+                offset += OAMPDU_EFE_ERRORS_SZ;
-	    /* Partner Port */
+                big = tvb_get_ntoh64(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint64(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_efeTotalErrors,
+                        tvb, offset, 8, big);
-	    raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, LACPDU_PARTNER_PORT);
-	    proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_partner_port, tvb,
-				LACPDU_PARTNER_PORT, 2, raw_word);
+                offset += OAMPDU_EFE_ERR_TOTAL_SZ;
-	    if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO))
-	    {
-		col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Partner Port = %d ", raw_word);
-	    }
+                dword = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_efeTotalEvents,
+                        tvb, offset, 4, dword);
-	    /* Partner State */
+                offset += OAMPDU_EFE_TOTAL_SZ;
-	    flags = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, LACPDU_PARTNER_STATE);
-	    partner_flags_item = proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_partner_state, tvb,
-				LACPDU_PARTNER_STATE, 1, flags);
-	    partner_flags_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(partner_flags_item, ett_lacpdu_p_flags);
+                break;
+            }
+            case OAMPDU_EVENT_TYPE_EFPE: 
+            {
+                event_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(event_item,
+                                    ett_oampdu_event_efpe);
-	    sep = initial_sep;
+                raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_length,
+                        tvb, offset, 1, raw_octet);
-	    /* Activity Flag */
+                offset += OAMPDU_EVENT_LENGTH_SZ;
-	    APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_ACTIVITY, partner_flags_item,
-				"%sActivity");
-	    proto_tree_add_boolean(partner_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_p_activity, tvb,
-				LACPDU_PARTNER_STATE, 1, flags);
+                raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_timeStamp,
+                        tvb, offset, 2, raw_word);
-	    /* Timeout Flag */
+                offset += OAMPDU_EVENT_TIMESTAMP_SZ;
-	    APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_TIMEOUT, partner_flags_item,
-				"%sTimeout");
-	    proto_tree_add_boolean(partner_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_p_timeout, tvb,
-				LACPDU_PARTNER_STATE, 1, flags);
+                raw_word = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_efpeWindow,
+                        tvb, offset, 4, raw_word);
-	    /* Aggregation Flag */
+                offset += OAMPDU_EFPE_WINDOW_SZ;
-	    APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_AGGREGATION, partner_flags_item,
-				"%sAggregation");
-	    proto_tree_add_boolean(partner_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_p_aggregation, tvb,
-				LACPDU_PARTNER_STATE, 1, flags);
+                dword = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_efpeThreshold,
+                        tvb, offset, 4, dword);
-	    /* Synchronization Flag */
+                offset += OAMPDU_EFPE_THRESHOLD_SZ;
-	    APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_SYNC, partner_flags_item,
-				"%sSynchronization");
-	    proto_tree_add_boolean(partner_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_p_sync, tvb,
-				LACPDU_PARTNER_STATE, 1, flags);
+                dword = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_efpeErrors,
+                        tvb, offset, 4, dword);
-	    /* Collecting Flag */
+                offset += OAMPDU_EFPE_ERRORS_SZ;
-	    APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_COLLECTING, partner_flags_item,
-				"%sCollecting");
-	    proto_tree_add_boolean(partner_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_p_collecting, tvb,
-				LACPDU_PARTNER_STATE, 1, flags);
+                big = tvb_get_ntoh64(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint64(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_efpeTotalErrors,
+                        tvb, offset, 8, big);
+                offset += OAMPDU_EFPE_ERR_TOTAL_SZ;
-	    /* Distributing Flag */
+                dword = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_efpeTotalEvents,
+                        tvb, offset, 4, dword);
-	    APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_DISTRIB, partner_flags_item,
-				"%sDistributing");
-	    proto_tree_add_boolean(partner_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_p_distrib, tvb,
-				LACPDU_PARTNER_STATE, 1, flags);
+                offset += OAMPDU_EFPE_TOTAL_SZ;
-	    /* Defaulted Flag */
+                break;
+            }
+            case OAMPDU_EVENT_TYPE_EFSSE:
+            {
+                event_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(event_item,
+                                    ett_oampdu_event_efsse);
-	    APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_DEFAULTED, partner_flags_item,
-				"%sDefaulted");
-	    proto_tree_add_boolean(partner_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_p_defaulted, tvb,
-				LACPDU_PARTNER_STATE, 1, flags);
+                raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_length,
+                        tvb, offset, 1, raw_octet);
-	    /* Expired Flag */
+                offset += OAMPDU_EVENT_LENGTH_SZ;
-	    APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(flags & LACPDU_FLAGS_EXPIRED, partner_flags_item,
-				"%sExpired");
-	    proto_tree_add_boolean(partner_flags_tree, hf_lacpdu_flags_p_expired, tvb,
-				LACPDU_PARTNER_STATE, 1, flags);
+                raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_timeStamp,
+                        tvb, offset, 2, raw_word);
-	    sep = cont_sep;
-	    if (sep != initial_sep)
-	    {
-		/* We put something in; put in the terminating ")" */
-		proto_item_append_text(partner_flags_item, ")");
-	    }
+                offset += OAMPDU_EVENT_TIMESTAMP_SZ;
-	    /* Partner Reserved */
+                raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_efsseWindow,
+                        tvb, offset, 2, raw_word);
-	    resv_bytes = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, LACPDU_PARTNER_RESERVED, 3);
-	    proto_tree_add_bytes(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_partner_reserved, tvb,
-				LACPDU_PARTNER_RESERVED, 3, resv_bytes);
+                offset += OAMPDU_EFSSE_WINDOW_SZ;
+                dword = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_efsseThreshold,
+                        tvb, offset, 2, dword);
-	    /* Collector Type */
-	    raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, LACPDU_COLL_TYPE);
-	    proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_coll_type, tvb,
-				LACPDU_COLL_TYPE, 1, raw_octet);
+                offset += OAMPDU_EFSSE_THRESHOLD_SZ;
-	    /* Collector Info Length */
-	    raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, LACPDU_COLL_INFO_LEN);
-	    proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_coll_info_len, tvb,
-				LACPDU_COLL_INFO_LEN, 1, raw_octet);
+                dword = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_efsseErrors,
+                        tvb, offset, 2, dword);
-	    /* Collector Max Delay */
+                offset += OAMPDU_EFSSE_ERRORS_SZ;
-	    raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, LACPDU_COLL_MAX_DELAY);
-	    proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_coll_max_delay, tvb,
-				LACPDU_COLL_MAX_DELAY, 2, raw_word);
+                big = tvb_get_ntoh64(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint64(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_efsseTotalErrors,
+                        tvb, offset, 8, big);
-		/* Collector Reserved */
+                offset += OAMPDU_EFSSE_ERR_TOTAL_SZ;
-	    resv_bytes = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, LACPDU_COLL_RESERVED, 12);
-	    proto_tree_add_bytes(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_coll_reserved, tvb,
-				LACPDU_COLL_RESERVED, 12, resv_bytes);
+                dword = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_efsseTotalEvents,
+                        tvb, offset, 4, dword);
-	    /* Terminator Type */
-	    raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, LACPDU_TERM_TYPE);
-	    proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_term_type, tvb,
-				LACPDU_TERM_TYPE, 1, raw_octet);
+                offset += OAMPDU_EFSSE_TOTAL_SZ;
-	    /* Terminator Info Length */
-	    raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, LACPDU_TERM_LEN);
-	    proto_tree_add_uint(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_term_len, tvb,
-				LACPDU_TERM_LEN, 1, raw_octet);
+                break;
+            }
+            case OAMPDU_EVENT_TYPE_OSE:
+            {
+                event_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(event_item,
+                                    ett_oampdu_event_ose);
-	    /* Terminator Reserved */
+                raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(event_tree, hf_oampdu_event_length,
+                        tvb, offset, 1, raw_octet);
-	    resv_bytes = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, LACPDU_TERM_RESERVED, 50);
-	    proto_tree_add_bytes(lacpdu_tree, hf_lacpdu_term_reserved, tvb,
-				LACPDU_TERM_RESERVED, 50, resv_bytes);
-      }
+                offset += OAMPDU_EVENT_LENGTH_SZ;
+                offset += (raw_word-2);
+                break;
+            }
+            default:
+              break;
+        }
+    }
+ * Name: dissect_oampdu_variable_request
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *    This function is used to dissect the Variable Request TLVs define in
+ *    IEEE802.3 section 57.6).
+ *
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *    tvb: buffer associate with the rcv packet (see tvbuff.h).
+ *    tree: the protocol tree associate with the oampdu (see proto.h).
+ *
+ * Return Values: None
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ *    Dominique Bastien (dbastien@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
+ *      + add support for 802.3ah-2004.
+ */
+static void
+dissect_oampdu_variable_request(tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *tree)
+    guint16   raw_word;
+    guint8    raw_octet;
+    guint32   offset;
+    offset = OAMPDU_HEADER_SIZE;
+    while (1)
+    {
+        raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
+        if (raw_octet == 0) break;
+        proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_oampdu_variable_branch,
+                tvb,offset, 1, raw_octet);
+        offset+=1;
+        switch (raw_octet)
+        {
+            case OAMPDU_VARS_OBJECT:
+            {
+                raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_oampdu_variable_object,
+                        tvb, offset, 2, raw_word);
+                break;
+            }
+            case OAMPDU_VARS_PACKAGE:
+            {
+                raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_oampdu_variable_package,
+                        tvb, offset, 2, raw_word);
+                break;
+            }
+            case OAMPDU_VARS_BINDING:
+            {
+                raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_oampdu_variable_binding,
+                        tvb, offset, 2, raw_word);
+                break;
+            }
+            case OAMPDU_VARS_ATTRIBUTE:
+            {
+                raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_oampdu_variable_attribute,
+                        tvb, offset, 2, raw_word);
+                break;
+            }
+            default:
+                break;
+        }
+        offset+=2;
+    }
-/* Code to dissect the Slow Protocol packets */
+ * Name: dissect_oampdu_variable_response
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *    This function is used to dissect the Variable Response TLVs define in
+ *    IEEE802.3 section 57.6).
+ *
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *    tvb: buffer associate with the rcv packet (see tvbuff.h).
+ *    tree: the protocol tree associate with the oampdu (see proto.h).
+ *
+ * Return Values: None
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ *    Dominique Bastien (dbastien@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
+ *      + add support for 802.3ah-2004.
+ */
 static void
-dissect_slow_protocols(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree)
+dissect_oampdu_variable_response(tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *tree)
-      guint8 raw_octet;
+      guint16   raw_word;
+      guint8    raw_octet;
+      guint32   offset;
-      if (tree)
+      const guint8 *resv_bytes;
+      offset = OAMPDU_HEADER_SIZE;
+      while (1)
+        raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
+        if (raw_octet == 0) break;
+        proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_oampdu_variable_branch,
+                tvb,offset, 1, raw_octet);
-		/* Get the Slow Protocol Subtype value */
-		raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, LACPDU_SUBTYPE);
+        offset+=1;
-		if (raw_octet != LACP_SUBTYPE)
-		{
-			/* This is not a LACPDU. Do not disassemble. */
-			/* Requires implementation at a later date. */
-			if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL))
-			{
-				col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "Slow Protocols"); /* Slow Protocols */
-			}
-			/* Display the subtype value to aid the user. */
-			if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO))
-			{
-				col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Subtype = %u.", raw_octet);
-			}
-			return;
-		}
+        switch (raw_octet)
+        {
+            case OAMPDU_VARS_OBJECT:
+            {
+                raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_oampdu_variable_object,
+                        tvb, offset, 2, raw_word);
+                break;
+            }
+            case OAMPDU_VARS_PACKAGE:
+            {
+                raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_oampdu_variable_package,
+                        tvb, offset, 2, raw_word);
+                break;
+            }
+            case OAMPDU_VARS_BINDING:
+            {
+                raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_oampdu_variable_binding,
+                        tvb, offset, 2, raw_word);
+                break;
+            }
+            case OAMPDU_VARS_ATTRIBUTE:
+            {
+                raw_word = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset);
+                proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_oampdu_variable_attribute,
+                        tvb, offset, 2, raw_word);
+                break;
+            }
+            default:
+                break;
+        }
+        offset+=2;
+        raw_octet = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
+        if (raw_octet >= 0x80)
+        {
+            /* Variable Indication */
+            proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_oampdu_variable_indication,
+                    tvb,offset, 1, (raw_octet&0x7F));
+            offset+=1;
+        }
+        else 
+        {
+            /* Special case for 128 bytes container */
+            if (raw_octet == 0) raw_octet = 128;
+            proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_oampdu_variable_width,
+                    tvb,offset, 1, raw_octet);
+            offset+=1;
+            resv_bytes = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, offset, raw_octet);
+            proto_tree_add_bytes(tree, hf_oampdu_variable_value,
+                    tvb, offset, raw_octet, resv_bytes);
+            offset+=raw_octet;        
+        }
+ * Name: dissect_oampdu_loopback_control
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *    This function is used to dissect the Variable Request TLVs define in
+ *    IEEE802.3 section 57.6).
+ *
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *    tvb: buffer associate with the rcv packet (see tvbuff.h).
+ *    tree: the protocol tree associate with the oampdu (see proto.h).
+ *
+ * Return Values: None
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ *    Dominique Bastien (dbastien@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
+ *      + add support for 802.3ah-2004.
+ */
+static void
+dissect_oampdu_loopback_control(tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *tree)
+    guint8    ctrl;
+    guint32   offset;
+    guint16   bytes;
-      /* This is a LACPDU so decode it! */
-      dissect_lacpdu(tvb, pinfo, tree);
+    proto_tree *ctrl_tree;
+    proto_item *ctrl_item;
+    const char *sep;
+    offset = OAMPDU_HEADER_SIZE;
+    bytes = tvb_length_remaining(tvb, offset);
+    if (bytes >= 1)
+    {
+        ctrl = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
+        ctrl_item = proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_oampdu_lpbk,
+                            tvb, offset, 1, ctrl);
+        ctrl_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ctrl_item, ett_oampdu_lpbk_ctrl);
+        sep = initial_sep;
+        APPEND_BOOLEAN_FLAG(ctrl & OAMPDU_LPBK_ENABLE, ctrl_item,
+                "%sEnable Remote Loopack");
+        proto_tree_add_boolean(ctrl_tree, hf_oampdu_lpbk_enable,
+                tvb, offset, 1, ctrl);
+                "%sDisable Remote Loopback");
+        proto_tree_add_boolean(ctrl_tree, hf_oampdu_lpbk_disable,
+                tvb, offset, 1, ctrl);
+        if (sep != initial_sep)
+            proto_item_append_text(ctrl_item, ")");
+    }
+ * Name: dissect_oampdu_vendor_specific
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *    This function is used to dissect the Vendor Specific TLV define in
+ *    IEEE802.3 section
+ *
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *    tvb: buffer associate with the rcv packet (see tvbuff.h).
+ *    tree: the protocol tree associate with the oampdu (see proto.h).
+ *
+ * Return Values: None
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ *    Dominique Bastien (dbastien@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
+ *      + add support for 802.3ah-2004.
+ */
+static void
+dissect_oampdu_vendor_specific(tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *tree)
+    guint32   offset;
+    guint16   bytes;
+    const guint8 *resv_bytes;
+    const guint8 *ptr;
-/* Register the protocol with Ethereal */
+    proto_item *oui_item;
-static const value_string subtype_vals[] = {
-	{ 1, "LACP" },
-	{ 2, "Marker Protocol" },
-	{ 0, NULL }
-static const true_false_string yesno = {
-	"Yes",
-	"No"
+    offset = OAMPDU_HEADER_SIZE;
+    bytes = tvb_length_remaining(tvb, offset);
+    if (bytes >= 3)
+    {
+        resv_bytes = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, offset, 3);
+        oui_item = proto_tree_add_bytes(tree, hf_oampdu_info_oui,
+                                        tvb, offset, 3, resv_bytes);
+        APPEND_OUI_NAME(oui_item, ptr, resv_bytes);
+    }
+/* Register the protocol with Ethereal */
 /* Setup list of header fields */
   static hf_register_info hf[] = {
-    { &hf_lacpdu_subtype,
-      { "Subtype",	"lacp.subtype",
-	FT_UINT8,	BASE_HEX,	VALS(subtype_vals),	0x0,
-      	"The specific Slow Protocol being used", HFILL }},
+ *  LACP portion
+ */
     { &hf_lacpdu_version_number,
-      { "LACP Version Number",	"lacp.version",
-      	"Identifies the LACP version", HFILL }},
+      { "LACP Version Number",    "lacp.version",
+    FT_UINT8,    BASE_HEX,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Identifies the LACP version", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_actor_type,
-      { "Actor Information",	"lacp.actorInfo",
-      	"TLV type = Actor", HFILL }},
+      { "Actor Information",    "lacp.actorInfo",
+    FT_UINT8,    BASE_HEX,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "TLV type = Actor", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_actor_info_len,
-      { "Actor Information Length",			"lacp.actorInfoLen",
-      	"The length of the Actor TLV", HFILL }},
+      { "Actor Information Length",            "lacp.actorInfoLen",
+    FT_UINT8,    BASE_HEX,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "The length of the Actor TLV", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_actor_sys_priority,
       { "Actor System Priority",  "lacp.actorSysPriority",
-      	"The priority assigned to this System by management or admin", HFILL }},
+    FT_UINT16,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "The priority assigned to this System by management or admin", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_actor_sys,
-      { "Actor System",			"lacp.actorSystem",
-      	"The Actor's System ID encoded as a MAC address", HFILL }},
+      { "Actor System",            "lacp.actorSystem",
+    FT_ETHER,    BASE_NONE,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "The Actor's System ID encoded as a MAC address", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_actor_key,
-      { "Actor Key",			"lacp.actorKey",
-      	"The operational Key value assigned to the port by the Actor", HFILL }},
+      { "Actor Key",            "lacp.actorKey",
+    FT_UINT16,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "The operational Key value assigned to the port by the Actor", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_actor_port_priority,
-      { "Actor Port Priority",			"lacp.actorPortPriority",
-      	"The priority assigned to the port by the Actor (via Management or Admin)", HFILL }},
+      { "Actor Port Priority",            "lacp.actorPortPriority",
+    FT_UINT16,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "The priority assigned to the port by the Actor (via Management or Admin)", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_actor_port,
-      { "Actor Port",			"lacp.actorPort",
-      	"The port number assigned to the port by the Actor (via Management or Admin)", HFILL }},
+      { "Actor Port",            "lacp.actorPort",
+    FT_UINT16,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "The port number assigned to the port by the Actor (via Management or Admin)", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_actor_state,
-      { "Actor State",			"lacp.actorState",
-      	"The Actor's state variables for the port, encoded as bits within a single octet", HFILL }},
+      { "Actor State",            "lacp.actorState",
+    FT_UINT8,    BASE_HEX,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "The Actor's state variables for the port, encoded as bits within a single octet", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_flags_a_activity,
-      { "LACP Activity",		"lacp.actorState.activity",
-      	"Activity control value for this link. Active = 1, Passive = 0", HFILL }},
+      { "LACP Activity",        "lacp.actorState.activity",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&yesno),    LACPDU_FLAGS_ACTIVITY,
+          "Activity control value for this link. Active = 1, Passive = 0", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_flags_a_timeout,
-      { "LACP Timeout",		"lacp.actorState.timeout",
-      	"Timeout control value for this link. Short Timeout = 1, Long Timeout = 0", HFILL }},
+      { "LACP Timeout",        "lacp.actorState.timeout",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&yesno),    LACPDU_FLAGS_TIMEOUT,
+          "Timeout control value for this link. Short Timeout = 1, Long Timeout = 0", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_flags_a_aggregation,
-      { "Aggregation",		"lacp.actorState.aggregation",
-      	"Aggregatable = 1, Individual = 0", HFILL }},
+      { "Aggregation",        "lacp.actorState.aggregation",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&yesno),    LACPDU_FLAGS_AGGREGATION,
+          "Aggregatable = 1, Individual = 0", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_flags_a_sync,
-      { "Synchronization",		"lacp.actorState.synchronization",
-      	"In Sync = 1, Out of Sync = 0", HFILL }},
+      { "Synchronization",        "lacp.actorState.synchronization",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&yesno),    LACPDU_FLAGS_SYNC,
+          "In Sync = 1, Out of Sync = 0", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_flags_a_collecting,
-      { "Collecting",		"lacp.actorState.collecting",
-      	"Collection of incoming frames is: Enabled = 1, Disabled = 0", HFILL }},
+      { "Collecting",        "lacp.actorState.collecting",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&yesno),    LACPDU_FLAGS_COLLECTING,
+          "Collection of incoming frames is: Enabled = 1, Disabled = 0", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_flags_a_distrib,
-      { "Distributing",		"lacp.actorState.distributing",
-      	"Distribution of outgoing frames is: Enabled = 1, Disabled = 0", HFILL }},
+      { "Distributing",        "lacp.actorState.distributing",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&yesno),    LACPDU_FLAGS_DISTRIB,
+          "Distribution of outgoing frames is: Enabled = 1, Disabled = 0", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_flags_a_defaulted,
-      { "Defaulted",		"lacp.actorState.defaulted",
-      	"1 = Actor Rx machine is using DEFAULT Partner info, 0 = using info in Rx'd LACPDU", HFILL }},
+      { "Defaulted",        "lacp.actorState.defaulted",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&yesno),    LACPDU_FLAGS_DEFAULTED,
+          "1 = Actor Rx machine is using DEFAULT Partner info, 0 = using info in Rx'd LACPDU", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_flags_a_expired,
-      { "Expired",		"lacp.actorState.expired",
-      	"1 = Actor Rx machine is EXPIRED, 0 = is NOT EXPIRED", HFILL }},
+      { "Expired",        "lacp.actorState.expired",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&yesno),    LACPDU_FLAGS_EXPIRED,
+          "1 = Actor Rx machine is EXPIRED, 0 = is NOT EXPIRED", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_actor_reserved,
-      { "Reserved",		"lacp.reserved",
-      	"", HFILL }},
+      { "Reserved",        "lacp.reserved",
+    FT_BYTES,    BASE_NONE,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_partner_type,
-      { "Partner Information",	"lacp.partnerInfo",
-      	"TLV type = Partner", HFILL }},
+      { "Partner Information",    "lacp.partnerInfo",
+    FT_UINT8,    BASE_HEX,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "TLV type = Partner", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_partner_info_len,
-      { "Partner Information Length",			"lacp.partnerInfoLen",
-      	"The length of the Partner TLV", HFILL }},
+      { "Partner Information Length",            "lacp.partnerInfoLen",
+    FT_UINT8,    BASE_HEX,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "The length of the Partner TLV", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_partner_sys_priority,
       { "Partner System Priority",  "lacp.partnerSysPriority",
-      	"The priority assigned to the Partner System by management or admin", HFILL }},
+    FT_UINT16,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "The priority assigned to the Partner System by management or admin", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_partner_sys,
-      { "Partner System",			"lacp.partnerSystem",
-      	"The Partner's System ID encoded as a MAC address", HFILL }},
+      { "Partner System",            "lacp.partnerSystem",
+    FT_ETHER,    BASE_NONE,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "The Partner's System ID encoded as a MAC address", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_partner_key,
-      { "Partner Key",			"lacp.partnerKey",
-      	"The operational Key value assigned to the port associated with this link by the Partner", HFILL }},
+      { "Partner Key",            "lacp.partnerKey",
+    FT_UINT16,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "The operational Key value assigned to the port associated with this link by the Partner", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_partner_port_priority,
-      { "Partner Port Priority",			"lacp.partnerPortPriority",
-      	"The priority assigned to the port by the Partner (via Management or Admin)", HFILL }},
+      { "Partner Port Priority",            "lacp.partnerPortPriority",
+    FT_UINT16,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "The priority assigned to the port by the Partner (via Management or Admin)", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_partner_port,
-      { "Partner Port",			"lacp.partnerPort",
-      	"The port number associated with this link assigned to the port by the Partner (via Management or Admin)", HFILL }},
+      { "Partner Port",            "lacp.partnerPort",
+    FT_UINT16,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "The port number associated with this link assigned to the port by the Partner (via Management or Admin)", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_partner_state,
-      { "Partner State",			"lacp.partnerState",
-      	"The Partner's state variables for the port, encoded as bits within a single octet", HFILL }},
+      { "Partner State",            "lacp.partnerState",
+    FT_UINT8,    BASE_HEX,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "The Partner's state variables for the port, encoded as bits within a single octet", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_flags_p_activity,
-      { "LACP Activity",		"lacp.partnerState.activity",
-      	"Activity control value for this link. Active = 1, Passive = 0", HFILL }},
+      { "LACP Activity",        "lacp.partnerState.activity",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&yesno),    LACPDU_FLAGS_ACTIVITY,
+          "Activity control value for this link. Active = 1, Passive = 0", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_flags_p_timeout,
-      { "LACP Timeout",		"lacp.partnerState.timeout",
-      	"Timeout control value for this link. Short Timeout = 1, Long Timeout = 0", HFILL }},
+      { "LACP Timeout",        "lacp.partnerState.timeout",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&yesno),    LACPDU_FLAGS_TIMEOUT,
+          "Timeout control value for this link. Short Timeout = 1, Long Timeout = 0", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_flags_p_aggregation,
-      { "Aggregation",		"lacp.partnerState.aggregation",
-      	"Aggregatable = 1, Individual = 0", HFILL }},
+      { "Aggregation",        "lacp.partnerState.aggregation",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&yesno),    LACPDU_FLAGS_AGGREGATION,
+          "Aggregatable = 1, Individual = 0", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_flags_p_sync,
-      { "Synchronization",		"lacp.partnerState.synchronization",
-      	"In Sync = 1, Out of Sync = 0", HFILL }},
+      { "Synchronization",        "lacp.partnerState.synchronization",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&yesno),    LACPDU_FLAGS_SYNC,
+          "In Sync = 1, Out of Sync = 0", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_flags_p_collecting,
-      { "Collecting",		"lacp.partnerState.collecting",
-      	"Collection of incoming frames is: Enabled = 1, Disabled = 0", HFILL }},
+      { "Collecting",        "lacp.partnerState.collecting",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&yesno),    LACPDU_FLAGS_COLLECTING,
+          "Collection of incoming frames is: Enabled = 1, Disabled = 0", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_flags_p_distrib,
-      { "Distributing",		"lacp.partnerState.distributing",
-      	"Distribution of outgoing frames is: Enabled = 1, Disabled = 0", HFILL }},
+      { "Distributing",        "lacp.partnerState.distributing",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&yesno),    LACPDU_FLAGS_DISTRIB,
+          "Distribution of outgoing frames is: Enabled = 1, Disabled = 0", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_flags_p_defaulted,
-      { "Defaulted",		"lacp.partnerState.defaulted",
-      	"1 = Actor Rx machine is using DEFAULT Partner info, 0 = using info in Rx'd LACPDU", HFILL }},
+      { "Defaulted",        "lacp.partnerState.defaulted",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&yesno),    LACPDU_FLAGS_DEFAULTED,
+          "1 = Actor Rx machine is using DEFAULT Partner info, 0 = using info in Rx'd LACPDU", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_flags_p_expired,
-      { "Expired",		"lacp.partnerState.expired",
-      	"1 = Actor Rx machine is EXPIRED, 0 = is NOT EXPIRED", HFILL }},
+      { "Expired",        "lacp.partnerState.expired",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&yesno),    LACPDU_FLAGS_EXPIRED,
+          "1 = Actor Rx machine is EXPIRED, 0 = is NOT EXPIRED", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_partner_reserved,
-      { "Reserved",		"lacp.reserved",
-      	"", HFILL }},
+      { "Reserved",        "lacp.reserved",
+    FT_BYTES,    BASE_NONE,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_coll_type,
-      { "Collector Information",	"lacp.collectorInfo",
-      	"TLV type = Collector", HFILL }},
+      { "Collector Information",    "lacp.collectorInfo",
+    FT_UINT8,    BASE_HEX,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "TLV type = Collector", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_coll_info_len,
-      { "Collector Information Length",			"lacp.collectorInfoLen",
-      	"The length of the Collector TLV", HFILL }},
+      { "Collector Information Length",            "lacp.collectorInfoLen",
+    FT_UINT8,    BASE_HEX,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "The length of the Collector TLV", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_coll_max_delay,
       { "Collector Max Delay",  "lacp.collectorMaxDelay",
-      	"The max delay of the station tx'ing the LACPDU (in tens of usecs)", HFILL }},
+    FT_UINT16,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "The max delay of the station tx'ing the LACPDU (in tens of usecs)", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_coll_reserved,
-      { "Reserved",		"lacp.reserved",
-      	"", HFILL }},
+      { "Reserved",        "lacp.reserved",
+    FT_BYTES,    BASE_NONE,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_term_type,
-      { "Terminator Information",	"lacp.termInfo",
-      	"TLV type = Terminator", HFILL }},
+      { "Terminator Information",    "lacp.termInfo",
+    FT_UINT8,    BASE_HEX,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "TLV type = Terminator", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_term_len,
-      { "Terminator Length",			"lacp.termLen",
-      	"The length of the Terminator TLV", HFILL }},
+      { "Terminator Length",            "lacp.termLen",
+    FT_UINT8,    BASE_HEX,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "The length of the Terminator TLV", HFILL }},
     { &hf_lacpdu_term_reserved,
-      { "Reserved",		"lacp.reserved",
-      	"", HFILL }},
+      { "Reserved",        "lacp.reserved",
+    FT_BYTES,    BASE_NONE,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "", HFILL }},
+ *  MARKER portion
+ */
+    { &hf_marker_version_number,
+      { "Version Number",    "marker.version",
+    FT_UINT8,    BASE_HEX,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Identifies the Marker version", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_marker_tlv_type,
+      { "TLV Type",    "marker.tlvType",
+    FT_UINT8,    BASE_HEX,    VALS(marker_vals),    0x0,
+          "Marker TLV type", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_marker_tlv_length,
+      { "TLV Length",            "marker.tlvLen",
+    FT_UINT8,    BASE_HEX,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "The length of the Actor TLV", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_marker_req_port,
+      { "Requester Port",  "marker.requesterPort",
+    FT_UINT16,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "The Requester Port", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_marker_req_system,
+      { "Requester System",  "marker.requesterSystem",
+    FT_ETHER,    BASE_NONE,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "The Requester System ID encoded as a MAC address", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_marker_req_trans_id,
+      { "Requester Transaction ID",  "marker.requesterTransId",
+    FT_UINT32,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "The Requester Transaction ID", HFILL }},
+ *  OAMPDU portion
+ */
+    { &hf_oampdu_flags,
+      { "Flags",    "oam.flags",
+    FT_UINT16,    BASE_HEX,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "The Flags Field", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_flags_link_fault,
+      { "Link Fault",        "oam.flags.linkFault",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&falsetrue),    OAMPDU_FLAGS_LINK_FAULT,
+          "The PHY detect a fault in the receive direction. True = 1, False = 0", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_flags_dying_gasp,
+      { "Dying Gasp",        "oam.flags.dyingGasp",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&falsetrue),    OAMPDU_FLAGS_DYING_GASP,
+          "An unrecoverable local failure occur. True = 1, False = 0", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_flags_critical_event,
+      { "Critical Event",        "oam.flags.criticalEvent",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&falsetrue),    OAMPDU_FLAGS_CRITICAL_EVENT,
+          "A critical event has occurred. True = 1, False = 0", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_flags_local_evaluating,
+      { "Local Evaluating",        "oam.flags.localEvaluating",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&falsetrue),    OAMPDU_FLAGS_LOCAL_EVAL,
+          "Local DTE Discovery process in progress. True = 1, False = 0", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_flags_local_stable,
+      { "Local Stable",        "oam.flags.localStable",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&falsetrue),    OAMPDU_FLAGS_LOCAL_STABLE,
+          "Local DTE is Stable. True = 1, False = 0", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_flags_remote_evaluating,
+      { "Remote Evaluating",        "oam.flags.remoteEvaluating",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&falsetrue),    OAMPDU_FLAGS_REMOTE_EVAL,
+          "Remote DTE Discovery process in progress. True = 1, False = 0", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_flags_remote_stable,
+      { "Remote Stable",        "oam.flags.remoteStable",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&falsetrue),    OAMPDU_FLAGS_REMOTE_STABLE,
+          "Remote DTE is Stable. True = 1, False = 0", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_code,
+      { "OAMPDU code",    "oam.code",
+    FT_UINT8,    BASE_HEX,    VALS(code_vals),    0x0,
+          "Identifies the TLVs code", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_info_type,
+      { "Type",    "",
+    FT_UINT8,    BASE_HEX,    VALS(info_type_vals),    0x0,
+          "Identifies the TLV type", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_info_len,
+      { "TLV Length",    "",
+    FT_UINT8,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Identifies the TLVs type", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_info_version,
+      { "TLV Version",    "",
+    FT_UINT8,    BASE_HEX,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Identifies the TLVs version", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_info_revision,
+      { "TLV Revision",    "",
+    FT_UINT16,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Identifies the TLVs revision", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_info_state,
+      { "OAM DTE States",    "",
+    FT_UINT8,    BASE_HEX,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "OAM DTE State of the Mux and the Parser", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_info_state_parser,
+      { "Parser Action",        "",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        VALS(&parser_vals),    0x03,
+          "Parser Action", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_info_state_mux,
+      { "Muxiplexer Action",        "",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&mux),    0x04,
+          "Muxiplexer Action", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_info_oamConfig,
+      { "OAM Configuration",    "",
+    FT_UINT8,    BASE_HEX,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "OAM Configuration", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_info_oamConfig_mode,
+      { "OAM Mode",        "",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&oam_mode),    OAMPDU_INFO_CONFIG_MODE,
+          "", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_info_oamConfig_uni,
+      { "Unidirectional support",        "oam.flags.dyingGasp",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&oam_uni),    OAMPDU_INFO_CONFIG_UNI,
+          "Unidirectional support", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_info_oamConfig_lpbk,
+      { "Loopback support",        "oam.flags.criticalEvent",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&oam_lpbk),    OAMPDU_INFO_CONFIG_LPBK,
+          "Loopback support", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_info_oamConfig_event,
+      { "Link Events support",        "oam.flags.localEvaluating",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&oam_event),    OAMPDU_INFO_CONFIG_EVENT,
+          "Link Events support", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_info_oamConfig_var,
+      { "Variable Retrieval",        "oam.flags.localStable",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        TFS(&oam_var),    OAMPDU_INFO_CONFIG_VAR,
+          "Variable Retrieval support", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_info_oampduConfig,
+      { "Max OAMPDU Size",    "",
+    FT_UINT16,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "OAMPDU Configuration", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_info_oui,
+      { "Organizationally Unique Identifier", "",
+    FT_BYTES,    BASE_NONE,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_info_vendor,
+      { "Vendor Specific Information", "",
+    FT_BYTES,    BASE_NONE,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "", HFILL }},
+    /*
+     * Event notification definitions
+     */
+    { &hf_oampdu_event_sequence,
+      { "Sequence Number",    "oam.event.sequence",
+    FT_UINT16,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Identifies the Event Notification TLVs", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_event_type,
+      { "Event Type",    "oam.event.type",
+    FT_UINT8,    BASE_HEX,    VALS(event_type_vals),    0x0,
+          "Identifies the TLV type", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_event_length,
+      { "Event Length",    "oam.event.length",
+    FT_UINT8,    BASE_HEX,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "This field indicates the length in octets of the TLV-tuple", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_event_timeStamp,
+      { "Event Timestamp (100ms)",    "oam.event.timestamp",
+    FT_UINT16,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Event Time Stamp in term of 100 ms intervals", HFILL }},
+    /* Errored Symbol Period Event TLV */
+    { &hf_oampdu_event_espeWindow,
+      { "Errored Symbol Window",    "oam.event.espeWindow",
+    FT_UINT64,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Number of symbols in the period", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_event_espeThreshold,
+      { "Errored Symbol Threshold",    "oam.event.espeThreshold",
+    FT_UINT64,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Number of symbols required to generate the Event", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_event_espeErrors,
+      { "Errored Symbols",    "oam.event.espeErrors",
+    FT_UINT64,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Number of symbols in error", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_event_espeTotalErrors,
+      { "Error Running Total",    "oam.event.espeTotalErrors",
+    FT_UINT64,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Number of symbols in error since reset of the sublayer", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_event_espeTotalEvents,
+      { "Event Running Total",    "oam.event.espeTotalEvents",
+    FT_UINT32,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Total Event generated since reset of the sublayer", HFILL }},
+    /* Errored Frame Event TLV */
+    { &hf_oampdu_event_efeWindow,
+      { "Errored Frame Window",    "oam.event.efeWindow",
+    FT_UINT16,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Number of symbols in the period", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_event_efeThreshold,
+      { "Errored Frame Threshold",    "oam.event.efeThreshold",
+    FT_UINT32,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Number of frames required to generate the Event", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_event_efeErrors,
+      { "Errored Frames",    "oam.event.efeErrors",
+    FT_UINT32,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Number of symbols in error", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_event_efeTotalErrors,
+      { "Error Running Total",    "oam.event.efeTotalErrors",
+    FT_UINT64,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Number of frames in error since reset of the sublayer", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_event_efeTotalEvents,
+      { "Event Running Total",    "oam.event.efeTotalEvents",
+    FT_UINT32,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Total Event generated since reset of the sublayer", HFILL }},
+    /* Errored Frame Period Event TLV */
+    { &hf_oampdu_event_efpeWindow,
+      { "Errored Frame Window",    "oam.event.efpeWindow",
+    FT_UINT32,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Number of frame in error during the period", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_event_efpeThreshold,
+      { "Errored Frame Threshold",    "oam.event.efpeThreshold",
+    FT_UINT32,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Number of frames required to generate the Event", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_event_efpeErrors,
+      { "Errored Frames",    "oam.event.efeErrors",
+    FT_UINT32,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Number of symbols in error", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_event_efpeTotalErrors,
+      { "Error Running Total",    "oam.event.efpeTotalErrors",
+    FT_UINT64,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Number of frames in error since reset of the sublayer", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_event_efpeTotalEvents,
+      { "Event Running Total",    "oam.event.efpeTotalEvents",
+    FT_UINT32,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Total Event generated since reset of the sublayer", HFILL }},
+    /* Errored Frame Second Summary Event TLV */
+    { &hf_oampdu_event_efsseWindow,
+      { "Errored Frame Window",    "oam.event.efsseWindow",
+    FT_UINT16,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Number of frame in error during the period", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_event_efsseThreshold,
+      { "Errored Frame Threshold",    "oam.event.efsseThreshold",
+    FT_UINT16,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Number of frames required to generate the Event", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_event_efsseErrors,
+      { "Errored Frames",    "oam.event.efeErrors",
+    FT_UINT16,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Number of symbols in error", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_event_efsseTotalErrors,
+      { "Error Running Total",    "oam.event.efsseTotalErrors",
+    FT_UINT64,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Number of frames in error since reset of the sublayer", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_event_efsseTotalEvents,
+      { "Event Running Total",    "oam.event.efsseTotalEvents",
+    FT_UINT32,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Total Event generated since reset of the sublayer", HFILL }},
+    /* Variable request and response definitions*/
+    { &hf_oampdu_variable_branch,
+      { "Branch",    "oam.variable.branch",
+    FT_UINT8,    BASE_HEX,    VALS(branch_vals),    0x0,
+          "Variable Branch, derived from the CMIP protocol in Annex 30A", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_variable_object,
+      { "Leaf",    "oam.variable.object",
+    FT_UINT16,    BASE_HEX,    VALS(object_vals),    0x0,
+          "Object, derived from the CMIP protocol in Annex 30A", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_variable_package,
+      { "Leaf",    "oam.variable.package",
+    FT_UINT16,    BASE_HEX,    VALS(package_vals),    0x0,
+          "Package, derived from the CMIP protocol in Annex 30A", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_variable_binding,
+      { "Leaf",    "oam.variable.binding",
+    FT_UINT16,    BASE_HEX,    VALS(binding_vals),    0x0,
+          "Binding, derived from the CMIP protocol in Annex 30A", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_variable_attribute,
+      { "Leaf",    "oam.variable.attribute",
+    FT_UINT16,    BASE_HEX,    VALS(attribute_vals),    0x0,
+          "Attribute, derived from the CMIP protocol in Annex 30A", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_variable_width,
+      { "Variable Width",    "oam.variable.width",
+    FT_UINT8,    BASE_DEC,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Width", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_variable_indication,
+      { "Variable indication",    "oam.variable.indication",
+    FT_UINT8,    BASE_HEX,    VALS(indication_vals),    0x0,
+          "Variable indication", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_variable_value,
+      { "Variable Value",    "oam.variable.value",
+    FT_BYTES,    BASE_HEX,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "Value", HFILL }},
+    /* Loopback Control definitions*/
+    { &hf_oampdu_lpbk,
+      { "Commands", "oam.lpbk.commands",
+    FT_UINT8,    BASE_HEX,    NULL,    0x0,
+          "The List of Loopback Commands", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_lpbk_enable,
+      { "Enable Remote Loopback", "oam.lpbk.commands.enable",
+    FT_BOOLEAN,    8,        NULL,    OAMPDU_LPBK_ENABLE,
+          "Enable Remote Loopback Command", HFILL }},
+    { &hf_oampdu_lpbk_disable,
+      { "Disable Remote Loopback", "oam.lpbk.commands.disable",
+          "Disable Remote Loopback Command", HFILL }},
@@ -795,25 +2931,42 @@
+    &ett_marker,
+    &ett_oampdu,
+    &ett_oampdu_flags,
+    &ett_oampdu_local_info,
+    &ett_oampdu_local_info_state,
+    &ett_oampdu_local_info_config,
+    &ett_oampdu_remote_info,
+    &ett_oampdu_remote_info_state,
+    &ett_oampdu_remote_info_config,
+    &ett_oampdu_org_info,
+    &ett_oampdu_event_espe,
+    &ett_oampdu_event_efe,
+    &ett_oampdu_event_efpe,
+    &ett_oampdu_event_efsse,
+    &ett_oampdu_event_ose,
+    &ett_oampdu_lpbk_ctrl,
   /* Register the protocol name and description */
-  proto_lacpdu = proto_register_protocol("Link Aggregation Control Protocol", "LACP", "lacp");
+  proto_slow = proto_register_protocol("Slow Protocols", "802.3 Slow protocols", "slow");
   /* Required function calls to register the header fields and subtrees used */
-  proto_register_field_array(proto_lacpdu, hf, array_length(hf));
+  proto_register_field_array(proto_slow, hf, array_length(hf));
   proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
   dissector_handle_t slow_protocols_handle;
-  slow_protocols_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_slow_protocols, proto_lacpdu);
+  slow_protocols_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_slow_protocols, proto_slow);
   dissector_add("ethertype", ETHERTYPE_SLOW_PROTOCOLS, slow_protocols_handle);

Attachment: slow.pcap
Description: slow.pcap