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Ethereal-dev: [Ethereal-dev] removing tap listener

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Miha Jemec <m.jemec@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 15:13:02 +0200

what are the correct steps if my application wants to observe two
protocols using tap system in the same time:

register_tap_listener("prot1", user_data, filter1, prot1_draw,
prot1_packet, prot1_reset);
register_tap_listener("prot2", user_data, filter2, prot2_draw,
prot2_packet, prot2_reset);



It seems to me, that only one listener is removed from the tap listener.
What is the correct procedure?

They both use the same user_data structure.

Tnx, Miha

Miha Jemec <m.jemec@xxxxxxxxxxx>