7.3. Show Packet Bytes

If a selected packet field does not show all the bytes (i.e., they are truncated when displayed) or if they are shown as bytes rather than string or if they require more formatting because they contain an image or HTML then this dialog can be used.

This dialog can also be used to decode field bytes from base64, various compressed formats or quoted-printable and show the decoded bytes as configurable output. It’s also possible to select a subset of bytes setting the start byte and end byte.

You can choose from the following actions:

Show this help.
Print the bytes in the currently selected format.
Copy the bytes to the clipboard in the currently selected format.
Save As
Save the bytes in the currently selected format.
Close this dialog box.

You can choose to decode the data from one of the following formats:

This is the default which does not decode anything.
This will decode from Base64 or Base64Url.
This will decompress the buffer using lz77, lz77huff, lznt1, snappy, zlib or zstd.
Hex Digits
This will decode from a string of hex digits. Non-hex characters are skipped.
This will decode from a Percent-Encoded string.
This will decode from a Quoted-Printable string.
This will decode ROT-13 encoded text.

You can choose to view the data in one of the following formats:

In this view you see the bytes as ASCII. All control characters and non-ASCII bytes are replaced by dot.
ASCII & Control
In this view all control characters are shown using a UTF-8 symbol and all non-ASCII bytes are replaced by dot.
C Array
This allows you to import the field data into your own C program.
For the big-iron freaks out there.
Hex Dump
This allows you to see all the data. This will require a lot of screen space and is best used with binary protocols.
This allows you to see all the data formatted as a HTML document. The HTML supported is what’s supported by the Qt QTextEdit class.
This will try to convert the bytes into an image. Most popular formats are supported including PNG, JPEG, GIF, and BMP.
ISO 8859-1
In this view you see the bytes as ISO 8859-1.
This allows you to load the bytes into a different program for further examination. The display will show HEX data, but “Save As” will result in a binary file.
In this view you see the bytes as UTF-8.
In this view you see the bytes as UTF-16.
This will show the bytes as a YAML binary dump.

You can search for text by entering it in the “Find” entry box and pressing Find Next.