Wireshark 4.5.0
The Wireshark network protocol analyzer
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Classes | Typedefs | Functions
funnel.h File Reference
#include <wireshark.h>
#include <epan/stat_groups.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  _funnel_bt_t
struct  _funnel_ops_t


typedef struct _funnel_ops_id_t funnel_ops_id_t
typedef struct _funnel_text_window_t funnel_text_window_t
typedef void(* text_win_close_cb_t) (void *)
typedef void(* funnel_dlg_cb_t) (char **user_input, void *data)
typedef void(* funnel_dlg_cb_data_free_t) (void *data)
typedef bool(* funnel_bt_cb_t) (funnel_text_window_t *tw, void *data)
typedef void(* funnel_menu_callback) (void *)
typedef void(* funnel_menu_callback_data_free) (void *)
typedef struct _funnel_bt_t funnel_bt_t
typedef struct _funnel_ops_t funnel_ops_t
typedef void(* funnel_registration_cb_t) (const char *name, register_stat_group_t group, funnel_menu_callback callback, void *callback_data, bool retap)
typedef void(* funnel_deregistration_cb_t) (funnel_menu_callback callback)
typedef void(* funnel_packet_menu_callback) (void *, GPtrArray *)
typedef void(* funnel_registration_packet_cb_t) (const char *name, const char *required_fields, funnel_packet_menu_callback callback, void *callback_data, bool retap)
typedef int(* funnel_console_eval_cb_t) (const char *console_input, char **error_ptr, char **error_hint, void *callback_data)
typedef void(* funnel_console_open_cb_t) (void(*print_func) (const char *, void *), void *print_data, void *callback_data)
typedef void(* funnel_console_close_cb_t) (void *callback_data)
typedef void(* funnel_console_data_free_cb_t) (void *callback_data)
typedef void(* funnel_registration_console_cb_t) (const char *name, funnel_console_eval_cb_t eval_cb, funnel_console_open_cb_t open_cb, funnel_console_close_cb_t close_cb, void *callback_data)


WS_DLL_PUBLIC const funnel_ops_tfunnel_get_funnel_ops (void)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC void funnel_set_funnel_ops (const funnel_ops_t *)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC void funnel_register_menu (const char *name, register_stat_group_t group, funnel_menu_callback callback, void *callback_data, funnel_menu_callback_data_free callback_data_free, bool retap)
void funnel_deregister_menus (void(*callback)(void *))
WS_DLL_PUBLIC void funnel_register_all_menus (funnel_registration_cb_t r_cb)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC void funnel_reload_menus (funnel_deregistration_cb_t d_cb, funnel_registration_cb_t r_cb)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC void funnel_cleanup (void)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC void funnel_register_all_packet_menus (funnel_registration_packet_cb_t r_cb)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC void funnel_register_packet_menu (const char *name, const char *required_fields, funnel_packet_menu_callback callback, void *callback_data, bool retap)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC bool funnel_packet_menus_modified (void)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC void funnel_register_console_menu (const char *name, funnel_console_eval_cb_t eval_cb, funnel_console_open_cb_t open_cb, funnel_console_close_cb_t close_cb, void *callback_data, funnel_console_data_free_cb_t free_data)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC void funnel_register_all_console_menus (funnel_registration_console_cb_t r_cb)
void initialize_funnel_ops (void)
void funnel_dump_all_text_windows (void)

Detailed Description


(c) 2006, Luis E. Garcia Ontanon luis@.nosp@m.onta.nosp@m.non.o.nosp@m.rg

Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer By Gerald Combs geral.nosp@m.d@wi.nosp@m.resha.nosp@m.rk.o.nosp@m.rg Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs

SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later

Typedef Documentation

◆ funnel_console_close_cb_t

typedef void(* funnel_console_close_cb_t) (void *callback_data)

Signature of function that can be called to remove logger.

◆ funnel_console_data_free_cb_t

typedef void(* funnel_console_data_free_cb_t) (void *callback_data)

Signature of function that can be called to free user data.

◆ funnel_console_eval_cb_t

typedef int(* funnel_console_eval_cb_t) (const char *console_input, char **error_ptr, char **error_hint, void *callback_data)

Signature of function that can be called to evaluate code. Returns zero on success, -1 if precompilation failed, positive for runtime errors.

◆ funnel_console_open_cb_t

typedef void(* funnel_console_open_cb_t) (void(*print_func)(const char *, void *), void *print_data, void *callback_data)

Signature of function that can be called to install a logger.

◆ funnel_packet_menu_callback

typedef void(* funnel_packet_menu_callback) (void *, GPtrArray *)

Signature of function that can be called from a custom packet menu entry

◆ funnel_registration_console_cb_t

typedef void(* funnel_registration_console_cb_t) (const char *name, funnel_console_eval_cb_t eval_cb, funnel_console_open_cb_t open_cb, funnel_console_close_cb_t close_cb, void *callback_data)

Signature of callback function to register console menu entries

◆ funnel_registration_packet_cb_t

typedef void(* funnel_registration_packet_cb_t) (const char *name, const char *required_fields, funnel_packet_menu_callback callback, void *callback_data, bool retap)

Signature of callback function to register packet menu entries

Function Documentation

◆ funnel_packet_menus_modified()

WS_DLL_PUBLIC bool funnel_packet_menus_modified ( void  )

Returns whether the packet menus have been modified since they were last registered

true if the packet menus were modified since the last registration

◆ funnel_register_all_console_menus()

WS_DLL_PUBLIC void funnel_register_all_console_menus ( funnel_registration_console_cb_t  r_cb)

Entry point for Wireshark GUI to obtain all registered console menus

r_cbfunction which will be called to register each console menu entry

◆ funnel_register_all_packet_menus()

WS_DLL_PUBLIC void funnel_register_all_packet_menus ( funnel_registration_packet_cb_t  r_cb)

Entry point for Wireshark GUI to obtain all registered packet menus

r_cbfunction which will be called to register each packet menu entry

Entry point for Wireshark GUI to obtain all registered packet menus

Calls the supplied callback for each packet menu registered with funnel_register_packet_menu().

r_cbthe callback function to call with each registered packet menu

◆ funnel_register_console_menu()

WS_DLL_PUBLIC void funnel_register_console_menu ( const char *  name,
funnel_console_eval_cb_t  eval_cb,
funnel_console_open_cb_t  open_cb,
funnel_console_close_cb_t  close_cb,
void *  callback_data,
funnel_console_data_free_cb_t  free_data 

Entry point for Lua code to register a console menu

Entry point for code to register a console menu

◆ funnel_register_packet_menu()

WS_DLL_PUBLIC void funnel_register_packet_menu ( const char *  name,
const char *  required_fields,
funnel_packet_menu_callback  callback,
void *  callback_data,
bool  retap 

Entry point for Lua code to register a packet menu

namepacket menu item's name
required_fieldsfields required to be present for the packet menu to be displayed
callbackfunction called when the menu item is invoked. The function must take one argument and return nothing.
callback_dataLua state for the callback function
retapwhether or not to rescan all packets

Entry point for Lua code to register a packet menu

Stores the menu name and callback from the Lua code into registered_packet_menus so that the Wireshark GUI code can retrieve it with funnel_register_all_packet_menus().