ANNOUNCEMENT: Live Wireshark University & Allegro Packets online APAC Wireshark Training Session
July 17th, 2024 | 10:00am-11:55am SGT (UTC+8) | Online

Display Filter Reference: GQUIC (Google Quick UDP Internet Connections)

Protocol field name: gquic

Versions: 2.6.0 to 4.2.5

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Field name Description Type Versions
gquic.cidCIDUnsigned integer (64 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.crypto.crypto_dataCrypto DataLabel3.4.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.crypto.lengthLengthUnsigned integer (64 bits)3.4.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.crypto.offsetOffsetUnsigned integer (64 bits)3.4.0 to 4.2.5 DataLabel3.6.13 to 3.6.23, 4.0.5 to 4.2.5
gquic.data_lenData LengthUnsigned integer (32 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.dcilDestination Connection ID LengthUnsigned integer (8 bits)3.4.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.diversification_nonceDiversification nonceByte sequence2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.fixed_bitFixed BitBoolean3.4.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frameFrameLabel2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_typeFrame TypeUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.ackACKBoolean2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.ack.ack_block_lengthAck block lengthUnsigned integer (64 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.ack.ack_delay_timeAck Delay timeUnsigned integer (16 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.ack.delta_largest_ackedDelta Largest ObservedUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.ack.delta_largest_observedDelta Largest ObservedUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.ack.first_ack_block_lengthFirst Ack block lengthUnsigned integer (64 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.ack.first_timestampFirst TimestampUnsigned integer (32 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.ack.gap_to_next_blockGap to next blockUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.ack.largest_ackedLargest AckedUnsigned integer (64 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.ack.largest_acked_delta_timeLargest Acked Delta TimeUnsigned integer (16 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.ack.largest_observedLargest ObservedUnsigned integer (64 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.ack.llLargest Observed LengthUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.ack.missing_packetMissing Packet Number DeltaUnsigned integer (64 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.ack.mmMissing Packet LengthUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.ack.nNACKBoolean2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.ack.num_blocksNum blocksUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.ack.num_rangesNum RangesUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.ack.num_revivedNum RevivedUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.ack.num_timestampNum TimestampUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.ack.range_lengthRange LengthUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.ack.received_entropyReceived EntropyUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.ack.revived_packetRevived Packet NumberUnsigned integer (64 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.ack.tTruncatedBoolean2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.ack.time_since_largest_ackedTime Since Largest AckedUnsigned integer (32 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.ack.time_since_previous_timestampTime since Previous timestampUnsigned integer (16 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.ack.uUnusedBoolean2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.blocked.stream_idStream IDUnsigned integer (32 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5 codeUnsigned integer (32 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5 phraseCharacter string2.6.0 to 4.2.5 phrase LengthUnsigned integer (16 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.goaway.error_codeError codeUnsigned integer (32 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.goaway.last_good_stream_idLast Good Stream IDUnsigned integer (32 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.goaway.reason_phraseReason phraseCharacter string2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.goaway.reason_phrase.lengthReason phrase LengthUnsigned integer (16 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.paddingPaddingByte sequence2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.padding.lengthPadding LengthUnsigned integer (32 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.rsts.byte_offsetByte offsetUnsigned integer (64 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.rsts.error_codeError codeUnsigned integer (32 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.rsts.stream_idStream IDUnsigned integer (32 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.streamStreamBoolean2.6.0 to 4.2.5 LengthBoolean2.6.0 to 4.2.5 to 4.2.5 LengthUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5 LengthUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.sw.least_unacked_deltaLeast unacked deltaUnsigned integer (64 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.sw.send_entropySend EntropyUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.wu.byte_offsetByte offsetUnsigned integer (64 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.frame_type.wu.stream_idStream IDUnsigned integer (32 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.header_formHeader FormUnsigned integer (8 bits)3.4.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.invalid.parameterInvalid ParameterLabel3.4.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.length.invalidInvalid LengthLabel3.2.8 to 4.2.5
gquic.long.packet_typePacket TypeUnsigned integer (8 bits)3.4.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.long.reservedReservedUnsigned integer (8 bits)3.4.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.message_authentication_hashMessage Authentication HashByte sequence2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.offsetOffsetUnsigned integer (64 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.packet_numberPacket NumberUnsigned integer (64 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.packet_number_lengthPacket Number LengthUnsigned integer (8 bits)3.4.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.paddingPaddingByte sequence2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.payloadPayloadByte sequence2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.prflagsPrivate FlagsUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.prflags.entropyEntropyBoolean2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.prflags.fecFECBoolean2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.prflags.fecgFEC GroupBoolean2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.prflags.rsvReservedUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.puflagsPublic FlagsUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.puflags.cidCID LengthBoolean2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.puflags.cid.oldCID LengthUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.puflags.mpthMultipathBoolean2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.puflags.nonceDiversification nonceBoolean2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.puflags.pknPacket Number LengthUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.puflags.resetResetBoolean2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.puflags.rsvReservedUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.puflags.versionVersionBoolean2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.scilSource Connection ID LengthUnsigned integer (8 bits)3.4.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.stream_dataStream DataByte sequence2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.stream_idStream IDUnsigned integer (32 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tagTagCharacter string2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.aeadAuthenticated encryption algorithmsCharacter string2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.caddr.addrClient IP AddressByte sequence2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.caddr.addr.ipv4Client IP AddressIPv4 address2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.caddr.addr.ipv6Client IP AddressIPv6 address2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.caddr.addr.typeClient IP Address TypeUnsigned integer (16 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.caddr.portClient Port (Source)Unsigned integer (16 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.ccrtCached certificatesByte sequence2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.ccsCommon certificate setsUnsigned integer (64 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.cetvClient encrypted tag-valueByte sequence2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.cfcwInitial session/connectionUnsigned integer (32 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.cgstCongestion Control Feedback TypeByte sequence3.4.4 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.coptConnection optionsCharacter string2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.crtCertificate chainByte sequence2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.csctSigned cert timestampByte sequence2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.ctimClient TimestampDate and time2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.epidEndpoint identifierCharacter string3.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.expyExpiryUnsigned integer (64 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.fholForce Head Of Line blockingUnsigned integer (32 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.icslIdle connection stateUnsigned integer (32 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.irttEstimated initial RTTUnsigned integer (32 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.kexsKey exchange algorithmsCharacter string2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.length.truncatedTruncated Tag Length...Label2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.mad0Max Ack DelayUnsigned integer (32 bits)3.4.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.midsMax incoming dynamic streamsUnsigned integer (32 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.mspcMax streams per connectionUnsigned integer (32 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.noncClient nonceByte sequence2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.nonpClient Proof nonceByte sequence2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.obitServer orbitByte sequence2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.padPaddingByte sequence2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.pdmdProof demandCharacter string2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.profProof (Signature)Byte sequence2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.pubsPublic valueUnsigned integer (24 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.qlveLegacy Version EncapsulationByte sequence3.4.3 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.rnonPublic reset nonce proofUnsigned integer (64 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.rrejReasons for server sendingUnsigned integer (32 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.rseqRejected Packet NumberUnsigned integer (64 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.scfgServer Config TagCharacter string2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.scfg.numberNumber Server Config TagUnsigned integer (32 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.scidServer Config IDByte sequence2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.sclsSilently close on timeoutUnsigned integer (32 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.sfcwInitial stream flow controlUnsigned integer (32 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.smhlSupport Max Header List (size)Unsigned integer (64 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.sniServer Name IndicationCharacter string2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.snoServer nonceByte sequence2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.srbfSocket receive bufferUnsigned integer (32 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.srstStateless Reset TokenByte sequence3.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.stkSource-address tokenByte sequence2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.sttlServer Config TTLUnsigned integer (64 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.tbkpToken Binding Key Params.Character string2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.tcidConnection ID truncationUnsigned integer (32 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.uaidClient's User Agent IDCharacter string2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.undecodedDissector for (Google)QUIC Tag code not implemented, Contact Wireshark developers if you want this supportedLabel2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.unknownUnknown tagByte sequence2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.unknown.dataUnknown DataLabel2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.versionVersionCharacter string2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag.xlctExpected leaf certificateByte sequence2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag_numberTag NumberUnsigned integer (16 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag_offset_endTag offset endUnsigned integer (32 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag_offset_lengthTag lengthUnsigned integer (32 bits)2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag_typeTag TypeCharacter string2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tag_valueTag/valueByte sequence2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.tagsTag/valueLabel2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.versionVersionCharacter string2.6.0 to 4.2.5
gquic.version.invalidInvalid VersionLabel2.6.0 to 4.2.5