wnpa-sec-2006-01 · Multiple problems in Ethereal


Name: Multiple problems in Ethereal

Docid: wnpa-sec-2006-01

Date: July 17, 2006

Affected versions: 0.8.16 up to and including 0.99.0

Fixed versions: 0.99.2



Wireshark 0.99.2 fixes the following vulnerabilities:

  • The GSM BSSMAP dissector could crash. Versions affected: 0.10.11 to 0.99.0. CVE: CVE-2006-3627
Ilja van Sprundel discovered the following vulnerabilities:
  • The ANSI MAP dissector was vulnerable to a format string overflow. Versions affected: 0.10.0 to 0.99.0. CVE: CVE-2006-3628
  • The Checkpoint FW-1 dissector was vulnerable to a format string overflow. Versions affected: 0.10.10 to 0.99.0. CVE: CVE-2006-3628
  • The MQ dissector was vulnerable to a format string overflow. Versions affected: 0.10.4 to 0.99.0. CVE: CVE-2006-3628
  • The XML dissector was vulnerable to a format string overflow. Versions affected: 0.10.13 to 0.99.0. CVE: CVE-2006-3628
  • The MOUNT dissector could attempt to allocate large amounts of memory. Versions affected: 0.9.4 to 0.99.0. CVE: CVE-2006-3629
  • The NCP NMAS and NDPS dissectors were susceptible to off-by-one errors. Versions affected: 0.9.7 to 0.99.0. CVE: CVE-2006-3630
  • The NTP dissector was vulnerable to a format string overflow. Versions affected: 0.10.13 to 0.99.0. CVE: CVE-2006-3628
  • The SSH dissector was vulnerable to an infinite loop. Versions affected: 0.9.10 to 0.99.0. CVE: CVE-2006-3631
  • The NFS dissector may have been susceptible to a buffer overflow. Versions affected: 0.8.16 to 0.99.0. CVE: CVE-2006-3632


It may be possible to make Ethereal crash, use up available memory, or run arbitrary code by injecting a purposefully malformed packet onto the wire or by convincing someone to read a malformed packet trace file.


Upgrade to Wireshark 0.99.2.

If are running Ethereal 0.99.0 or earlier and cannot upgrade, you can disable each of the dissectors listed above by doing the following:

  • Select Analyze→Enabled Protocols... from the menu.
  • Make sure every protocol listed above is un-checked.
  • Click "Save", then click "OK".