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Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] display filter on packet number

From: Jim Aragon <Jim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2010 11:45:39 -0700
Tim Black wrote:

I would love to be able to customize the display of packets in an absolute
fashion, e.g. "Ignore this one" or "show only this one and this one". To me
this means there would be a Display Filter field for packet number. Is there
support for this hiding from me somewhere, or if not, is there at least a
plan to support this? To be clear, I am talking about Display Filtering by
the leftmost column entitled "No.". I hope this is not also the answer to my
question. ;-)

How about Ctrl-M to mark either the packets you want to display, or the packets you want to ignore. Then:

"frame.marked == 1" to display only the marked packets, or

"frame.marked == 0" to ignore the marked packets and display only the unmarked packets.

Jim Aragon