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and our Silver Member Veeam, for supporting the Wireshark Foundation and project.

Wireshark-commits: [Wireshark-commits] master bf9286e: Add an API to get the file extension for a c

From: Wireshark code review <code-review-do-not-reply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2018 22:10:48 +0000
Submitter: "Guy Harris <guy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>"
Changed: branch: master
Repository: wireshark


bf9286e by Guy Harris (guy@xxxxxxxxxxxx):

    Add an API to get the file extension for a compression type, and use it.
    Add wtap_compressed_file_extension(), which returns NULL for
    WTAP_UNCOMPRESSED and the appropriate file extension for other
    compression types.
    Add wtap_compression_type_supported(), which returns TRUE for
    WTAP_UNCOMPRESSED and all supported compression types and FALSE
    otherwise.  ("Supported" means "the code can decompmress files in that
    compression format and can write files in that compression format", so
    WTAP_GAIP_COMPRESSED is supported iff libwiretap is built with zlib.)
    In MainWindow::fileAddExtension, instead of checking for
    WTAP_GZIP_COMPRESSED and using ".gz" as the extension, use the extension
    returned by wtap_compressed_file_extension() for the compression type.
    Change-Id: I47cb0eca8c887ada3562df30b54e76509008180f
    Reviewed-by: Guy Harris <guy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Actions performed:

    from  189f1ce   packet-mint.c: Rename mint type to mint port and enhance list of ports.
     add  bf9286e   Add an API to get the file extension for a compression type, and use it.

Summary of changes:
 ui/qt/main_window.cpp   |   2 +-
 wiretap/file_access.c   | 107 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 wiretap/file_wrappers.c |  13 ------
 wiretap/wtap-int.h      |   6 ---
 wiretap/wtap.c          |  40 ++++++++++++++++++
 wiretap/wtap.h          |   4 ++
 6 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)