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Wireshark-commits: [Wireshark-commits] master 8c70558: RPC: fix crash when using "Dissect unknown R

From: Wireshark code review <code-review-do-not-reply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2016 16:17:51 +0000 (UTC)
Submitter: Anders Broman (a.broman58@xxxxxxxxx)
Changed: branch: master
Repository: wireshark


8c70558 by Pascal Quantin (pascal.quantin@xxxxxxxxx):

    RPC: fix crash when using "Dissect unknown RPC program numbers" option
    When using this option, rpc_prog_info_value structure is not fully initialized.
    Depending on the memory allocator used, this can lead to a NULL pointer
    dereference or an access to a random memory block.
    Ensure that the structure if fully initialized and test pointer before
    dereferencing it.
    Bug: 13266
    Change-Id: Ifdc54b31c8dd3b2b6220dbe9ee27272758ff60ca
    Reviewed-by: Pascal Quantin <pascal.quantin@xxxxxxxxx>
    Petri-Dish: Pascal Quantin <pascal.quantin@xxxxxxxxx>
    Tested-by: Petri Dish Buildbot <buildbot-no-reply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: Anders Broman <a.broman58@xxxxxxxxx>

Actions performed:

    from  541beaa   Qt: use references on tap_rtp_stat_t private members (CID 1397703 and 1397704)
    adds  8c70558   RPC: fix crash when using "Dissect unknown RPC program numbers" option

Summary of changes:
 epan/dissectors/packet-rpc.c |    6 ++----
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)