Wireshark  4.3.0
The Wireshark network protocol analyzer
Go to the documentation of this file.
9 #if !defined(AIRPCAP_H__EAE405F5_0171_9592_B3C2_C19EC426AD34__INCLUDED_)
10 #define AIRPCAP_H__EAE405F5_0171_9592_B3C2_C19EC426AD34__INCLUDED_
12 #ifdef _MSC_VER
13 /* This stops VS2005 ranting against stdio. */
14 #pragma warning( disable : 4996)
15 #endif
17 #ifdef _WIN32
18 #include <winsock2.h>
19 #endif
21 #ifdef __cplusplus
22 extern "C" {
23 #endif
25 /*
26  \mainpage AirPcap interface documentation
28  \section Introduction
30  This document describes the data structures and the functions exported by the CACE Technologies AirPcap library.
31  The AirPcap library provides low-level access to the AirPcap driver including advanced capabilities such as channel setting,
32  link type control and WEP configuration.<br>
33  This manual includes the following sections:
35  \note throughout this documentation, \e device refers to a physical USB AirPcap device, while \e adapter is an open API
36  instance. Most of the AirPcap API operations are adapter-specific but some of them, like setting the channel, are
37  per-device and will be reflected on all the open adapters. These functions will have "Device" in their name, e.g.
38  AirpcapSetDeviceChannel().
40  \b Sections:
42  - \ref airpcapfuncs
43  - \ref airpcapdefs
44  - \ref radiotap
45 */
55 #define AIRPCAP_DEVICE_NAME_PREFIX "\\\\.\\airpcap"
61 #define AIRPCAP_DEVICE_NUMBER_EXTRACT_STRING "\\\\.\\airpcap%u"
63 #define AIRPCAP_DEVICE_ANY_EXTRACT_STRING "\\\\.\\airpcap_any"
69 {
70  struct _AirpcapDeviceDescription *next; /* < Next element in the list */
71  char * Name; /* < Device name */
72  char * Description; /* < Device description */
77 #define WEP_KEY_MAX_SIZE 32 /* < Maximum size of a WEP key, in bytes. This is the size of an entry in the
78  < AirpcapWepKeysCollection structure. */
80 #ifdef _WIN32
81 #ifndef __MINGW32__
82 #pragma pack(push)
83 #pragma pack(1)
84 #endif
85 #endif
87 #define AIRPCAP_KEYTYPE_WEP 0 /* < Key type: WEP. The key can have an arbitrary length smaller than 32 bytes. */
88 #define AIRPCAP_KEYTYPE_TKIP 1 /* < Key type: TKIP (WPA). NOT SUPPORTED YET. */
89 #define AIRPCAP_KEYTYPE_CCMP 2 /* < Key type: CCMP (WPA2). NOT SUPPORTED YET. */
94 typedef struct _AirpcapKey
95 {
96  unsigned KeyType; /* < Type of key, can be on of: \ref AIRPCAP_KEYTYPE_WEP, \ref AIRPCAP_KEYTYPE_TKIP, \ref AIRPCAP_KEYTYPE_CCMP. Only AIRPCAP_KEYTYPE_WEP is supported by the driver at the moment. */
97  unsigned KeyLen; /* < Length of the key, in bytes */
98  uint8_t KeyData[WEP_KEY_MAX_SIZE]; /* < Key Data */
99 }
100 #ifdef __MINGW32__
101 __attribute__((__packed__))
102 #endif
110 typedef enum _AirpcapChannelBand
111 {
112  AIRPCAP_CB_AUTO = 1, /* < Automatically pick the best frequency band */
113  AIRPCAP_CB_2_4_GHZ = 2, /* < 2.4 GHz frequency band */
114  AIRPCAP_CB_4_GHZ = 4, /* < 4 GHz frequency band */
115  AIRPCAP_CB_5_GHZ = 5 /* < 5 GHz frequency band */
116 }AirpcapChannelBand, *PAirpcapChannelBand;
122 typedef enum _AirpcapValidationType
123 {
124  AIRPCAP_VT_ACCEPT_EVERYTHING = 1, /* < Accept all the frames the device captures */
125  AIRPCAP_VT_ACCEPT_CORRECT_FRAMES = 2, /* < Accept correct frames only, i.e. frames with correct Frame Check Sequence (FCS). */
126  AIRPCAP_VT_ACCEPT_CORRUPT_FRAMES = 3, /* < Accept corrupt frames only, i.e. frames with wrong Frame Check Sequence (FCS). */
127  AIRPCAP_VT_UNKNOWN = 4 /* < Unknown validation type. You should see it only in case of error. */
128 }AirpcapValidationType, *PAirpcapValidationType;
135 typedef enum _AirpcapDecryptionState
136 {
137  AIRPCAP_DECRYPTION_ON = 1, /* < This adapter performs decryption */
138  AIRPCAP_DECRYPTION_OFF = 2 /* < This adapter does not perform decryption */
139 }AirpcapDecryptionState, *PAirpcapDecryptionState;
145 typedef struct _AirpcapMacAddress
146 {
147  uint8_t Address[6]; /* < MAC address bytes */
148 }
149 #ifdef __MINGW32__
150 __attribute__((__packed__))
151 #endif
174 typedef struct _AirpcapKeysCollection
175 {
176  unsigned nKeys; /* < Number of keys in the collection */
177  AirpcapKey Keys[1]; /* < Array of nKeys keys. */
180 #define AirpcapKeysCollectionSize(nKeys) \
181  ((sizeof(AirpcapKeysCollection) - sizeof(AirpcapKey)) + ((nKeys) * sizeof(AirpcapKey)))
182 #define AirpcapKeysCollectionSizeToKeyCount(size) \
183  (unsigned)(((size) - AirpcapKeysCollectionSize(0))/sizeof(AirpcapKey))
190 typedef struct _AirpcapBpfHeader
191 {
192  unsigned TsSec; /* < Timestamp associated with the captured packet. SECONDS. */
193  unsigned TsUsec; /* < Timestamp associated with the captured packet. MICROSECONDS. */
194  unsigned Caplen; /* < Length of captured portion. The captured portion <b>can be different</b> from the original packet, because it is possible (with a proper filter) to instruct the driver to capture only a portion of the packets. */
195  unsigned Originallen; /* < Original length of packet */
196  uint16_t Hdrlen; /* < Length of bpf header (this struct plus alignment padding). In some cases, a padding could be added between the end of this structure and the packet data for performance reasons. This field can be used to retrieve the actual data of the packet. */
197 }
198 #ifdef __MINGW32__
199 __attribute__((__packed__))
200 #endif
203 /* Helper macros to extract packets coming from the driver. Rounds up to the next even multiple of AIRPCAP_ALIGNMENT. */
204 #define AIRPCAP_ALIGNMENT sizeof(int)
207 #ifdef _WIN32
208 #ifndef __MINGW32__
209 #pragma pack(pop)
210 #endif
211 #endif
213 #define AIRPCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE 512 /* < Size of the error buffer, in bytes */
215 #ifndef __AIRPCAP_DRIVER__
221 #undef _AirpcapLinkType
222 typedef enum _AirpcapLinkType
223 {
224  AIRPCAP_LT_802_11 = 1, /* < plain 802.11 linktype. Every packet in the buffer contains the raw 802.11 frame, including MAC FCS. */
225  AIRPCAP_LT_802_11_PLUS_RADIO = 2, /* < 802.11 plus radiotap linktype. Every packet in the buffer contains a radiotap header followed by the 802.11 frame. MAC FCS is included. */
226  AIRPCAP_LT_UNKNOWN = 3, /* < Unknown linktype. You should see it only in case of error. */
227  AIRPCAP_LT_802_11_PLUS_PPI = 4 /* < 802.11 plus PPI header linktype. Every packet in the buffer contains a PPI header followed by the 802.11 frame. MAC FCS is included. */
228 }AirpcapLinkType, *PAirpcapLinkType;
230 #if !defined(AIRPCAP_HANDLE__EAE405F5_0171_9592_B3C2_C19EC426AD34__DEFINED_)
231 #define AIRPCAP_HANDLE__EAE405F5_0171_9592_B3C2_C19EC426AD34__DEFINED_
235 typedef struct _AirpcapHandle AirpcapHandle, *PAirpcapHandle;
236 #endif
242 typedef struct _AirpcapStats
243 {
244  unsigned Recvs; /* < Number of packets that the driver received by the adapter */
245  /* < from the beginning of the current capture. This value includes the packets */
246  /* < dropped because of buffer full. */
247  unsigned Drops; /* < number of packets that the driver dropped from the beginning of a capture. */
248  /* < A packet is lost when the driver's buffer is full. */
249  unsigned IfDrops; /* < Packets dropped by the card before going to the USB bus. */
250  /* < Not supported at the moment. */
251  unsigned Capt; /* < number of packets that pass the BPF filter, find place in the kernel buffer and */
252  /* < therefore reach the application. */
259 typedef struct _AirpcapChannelInfo
260 {
261  unsigned Frequency; /* < Channel frequency, in MHz. */
272  int8_t ExtChannel;
273  uint8_t Reserved[3]; /* < Reserved. It should be set to {0,0,0}. */
274 }
291 void AirpcapGetVersion(unsigned * VersionMajor, unsigned * VersionMinor, unsigned * VersionRev, unsigned * VersionBuild);
298 char * AirpcapGetLastError(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle);
329 bool AirpcapGetDeviceList(PAirpcapDeviceDescription *PPAllDevs, char * Ebuf);
343 PAirpcapHandle AirpcapOpen(char * DeviceName, char * Ebuf);
349 void AirpcapClose(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle);
381 bool AirpcapSetMonitorMode(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, bool MonitorModeEnabled);
393 bool AirpcapGetMonitorMode(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, bool * PMonitorModeEnabled);
414 bool AirpcapSetLinkType(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, AirpcapLinkType NewLinkType);
432 bool AirpcapGetLinkType(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapLinkType PLinkType);
447 bool AirpcapSetFcsPresence(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, bool IsFcsPresent);
462 bool AirpcapGetFcsPresence(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, bool * PIsFcsPresent);
472 bool AirpcapSetFcsValidation(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, AirpcapValidationType ValidationType);
482 bool AirpcapGetFcsValidation(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapValidationType ValidationType);
505 bool AirpcapSetDeviceKeys(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapKeysCollection KeysCollection);
531 bool AirpcapGetDeviceKeys(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapKeysCollection KeysCollection, unsigned * PKeysCollectionSize);
554 bool AirpcapSetDriverKeys(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapKeysCollection KeysCollection);
576 bool AirpcapGetDriverKeys(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapKeysCollection KeysCollection, unsigned * PKeysCollectionSize);
587 bool AirpcapSetDecryptionState(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, AirpcapDecryptionState Enable);
598 bool AirpcapGetDecryptionState(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapDecryptionState PEnable);
609 bool AirpcapSetDriverDecryptionState(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, AirpcapDecryptionState Enable);
620 bool AirpcapGetDriverDecryptionState(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapDecryptionState PEnable);
633 bool AirpcapSetDeviceChannel(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, unsigned Channel);
646 bool AirpcapGetDeviceChannel(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, unsigned * PChannel);
662 bool AirpcapSetKernelBuffer(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, unsigned BufferSize);
673 bool AirpcapGetKernelBufferSize(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, unsigned * PSizeBytes);
712 bool AirpcapStoreCurConfigAsAdapterDefault(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle);
732 bool AirpcapSetFilter(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, void * Instructions, unsigned Len);
741 bool AirpcapGetMacAddress(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapMacAddress PMacAddress);
756 bool AirpcapSetMinToCopy(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, unsigned MinToCopy);
768 bool AirpcapGetReadEvent(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, void *** PReadEvent);
787 bool AirpcapRead(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, uint8_t * Buffer, unsigned BufSize, unsigned * PReceievedBytes);
806 bool AirpcapWrite(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, char * TxPacket, uint32_t PacketLen);
814 bool AirpcapGetStats(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapStats PStats);
822 bool AirpcapGetLedsNumber(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, unsigned * NumberOfLeds);
830 bool AirpcapTurnLedOn(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, unsigned LedNumber);
838 bool AirpcapTurnLedOff(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, unsigned LedNumber);
849 bool AirpcapSetDeviceChannelEx(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, AirpcapChannelInfo ChannelInfo);
860 bool AirpcapGetDeviceChannelEx(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapChannelInfo PChannelInfo);
876 bool AirpcapGetDeviceSupportedChannels(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapChannelInfo *ppChannelInfo, unsigned * pNumChannelInfo);
886 bool AirpcapConvertFrequencyToChannel(unsigned Frequency, unsigned * PChannel, PAirpcapChannelBand PBand);
895 bool AirpcapConvertChannelToFrequency(unsigned Channel, unsigned * PFrequency);
900 #endif /* __AIRPCAP_DRIVER__ */
902 #ifdef __cplusplus
903 }
904 #endif
906 #endif /* !defined(AIRPCAP_H__EAE405F5_0171_9592_B3C2_C19EC426AD34__INCLUDED_) */
struct _AirpcapChannelInfo AirpcapChannelInfo
Channel information. Used by AirpcapSetDeviceChannelEx(), AirpcapGetDeviceChannelEx(),...
Type of frame validation the adapter performs. An adapter can be instructed to accept different kind ...
Definition: airpcap.h:122
struct _AirpcapKey AirpcapKey
WEP key container.
struct _AirpcapHandle AirpcapHandle
Adapter handle.
Definition: airpcap.h:234
enum _AirpcapLinkType AirpcapLinkType
Link type. AirPcap supports two kind of 802.11 linktypes: plain 802.11 and radiotap.
enum _AirpcapDecryptionState AirpcapDecryptionState
Type of decryption the adapter performs. An adapter can be instructed to turn decryption (based on th...
struct _AirpcapStats AirpcapStats
Capture statistics. Returned by AirpcapGetStats();.
struct _AirpcapDeviceDescription AirpcapDeviceDescription
Entry in the list returned by AirpcapGetDeviceList();.
Link type. AirPcap supports two kind of 802.11 linktypes: plain 802.11 and radiotap.
Definition: airpcap.h:222
struct _AirpcapKeysCollection AirpcapKeysCollection
This structure is used to store a collection of WEP keys. Note that the definition of the structure h...
struct _AirpcapBpfHeader AirpcapBpfHeader
Packet header.
Type of decryption the adapter performs. An adapter can be instructed to turn decryption (based on th...
Definition: airpcap.h:135
struct _AirpcapMacAddress AirpcapMacAddress
Storage for a MAC address.
enum _AirpcapValidationType AirpcapValidationType
Type of frame validation the adapter performs. An adapter can be instructed to accept different kind ...
frequency Band. 802.11 adapters can support different frequency bands, the most important of which ar...
Definition: airpcap.h:110
enum _AirpcapChannelBand AirpcapChannelBand
frequency Band. 802.11 adapters can support different frequency bands, the most important of which ar...
bool AirpcapSetDriverDecryptionState(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, AirpcapDecryptionState Enable)
Turns on or off the decryption of the incoming frames with the global driver set of keys.
bool AirpcapGetLinkType(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapLinkType PLinkType)
Get the link type of the specified adapter.
bool AirpcapSetMinToCopy(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, unsigned MinToCopy)
Set the mintocopy parameter for an open adapter.
bool AirpcapRead(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, uint8_t *Buffer, unsigned BufSize, unsigned *PReceievedBytes)
Fills a user-provided buffer with zero or more packets that have been captured on the referenced adap...
bool AirpcapSetLinkType(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, AirpcapLinkType NewLinkType)
Set the link type of an adapter.
bool AirpcapConvertChannelToFrequency(unsigned Channel, unsigned *PFrequency)
Converts a given channel to the corresponding frequency.
int8_t ExtChannel
802.11n specific. Offset of the extension channel in case of 40MHz channels.
Definition: airpcap.h:271
bool AirpcapGetLedsNumber(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, unsigned *NumberOfLeds)
Get the number of LEDs the referenced adapter has available.
bool AirpcapGetMacAddress(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapMacAddress PMacAddress)
Return the MAC address of an adapter.
bool AirpcapGetDecryptionState(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapDecryptionState PEnable)
Tells if this open instance is configured to perform the decryption of the incoming frames with the a...
void AirpcapGetVersion(unsigned *VersionMajor, unsigned *VersionMinor, unsigned *VersionRev, unsigned *VersionBuild)
Return a string with the API version.
void AirpcapFreeDeviceList(PAirpcapDeviceDescription PAllDevs)
Free a list of devices returned by AirpcapGetDeviceList()
bool AirpcapSetDeviceChannelEx(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, AirpcapChannelInfo ChannelInfo)
Set the channel of a device through its radio frequency. In case of 802.11n enabled devices,...
bool AirpcapGetDeviceKeys(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapKeysCollection KeysCollection, unsigned *PKeysCollectionSize)
Returns the list of decryption keys in the driver that are currently associated with the specified de...
bool AirpcapSetDecryptionState(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, AirpcapDecryptionState Enable)
Turns on or off the decryption of the incoming frames with the adapter-specific keys.
bool AirpcapSetMonitorMode(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, bool MonitorModeEnabled)
Sets the monitor mode for the specified adapter.
bool AirpcapGetKernelBufferSize(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, unsigned *PSizeBytes)
Get the size of the kernel packet buffer for this adapter.
bool AirpcapGetFcsPresence(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, bool *PIsFcsPresent)
Returns true if the specified adapter includes the MAC Frame Check Sequence in the captured packets.
bool AirpcapSetFilter(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, void *Instructions, unsigned Len)
Set the BPF kernel filter for an adapter.
bool AirpcapSetKernelBuffer(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, unsigned BufferSize)
Set the size of the kernel packet buffer for this adapter.
bool AirpcapGetFcsValidation(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapValidationType ValidationType)
Checks if the specified adapter is configured to capture frames with incorrect an incorrect Frame Che...
void AirpcapClose(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle)
Close an adapter.
bool AirpcapWrite(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, char *TxPacket, uint32_t PacketLen)
Transmits a packet.
bool AirpcapGetDeviceSupportedChannels(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapChannelInfo *ppChannelInfo, unsigned *pNumChannelInfo)
Get the list of supported channels for a given device. In case of a 802.11n capable device,...
bool AirpcapGetDeviceChannelEx(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapChannelInfo PChannelInfo)
Get the channel of a device through its radiofrequency. In case of 802.11n enabled devices,...
bool AirpcapSetDeviceChannel(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, unsigned Channel)
Set the radio channel of a device.
bool AirpcapSetFcsValidation(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, AirpcapValidationType ValidationType)
Configures the adapter to accept or drop frames with an incorrect Frame Check sequence (FCS).
PAirpcapHandle AirpcapOpen(char *DeviceName, char *Ebuf)
Open an adapter.
bool AirpcapSetDeviceKeys(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapKeysCollection KeysCollection)
Set the list of decryption keys that the driver is going to use with the specified device.
bool AirpcapGetDeviceChannel(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, unsigned *PChannel)
Get the radio channel of a device.
bool AirpcapGetMonitorMode(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, bool *PMonitorModeEnabled)
Returns true if the specified adapter is in monitor mode.
bool AirpcapConvertFrequencyToChannel(unsigned Frequency, unsigned *PChannel, PAirpcapChannelBand PBand)
Converts a given frequency to the corresponding channel.
bool AirpcapSetFcsPresence(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, bool IsFcsPresent)
Configures the adapter on whether to include the MAC Frame Check Sequence in the captured packets.
bool AirpcapGetDriverKeys(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapKeysCollection KeysCollection, unsigned *PKeysCollectionSize)
Returns the global list of decryption keys in the driver that are associated with all the devices.
bool AirpcapTurnLedOff(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, unsigned LedNumber)
Turn off one of the adapter's LEDs.
bool AirpcapStoreCurConfigAsAdapterDefault(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle)
Saves the configuration of the specified adapter in the registry, so that it becomes the default for ...
bool AirpcapTurnLedOn(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, unsigned LedNumber)
Turn on one of the adapter's LEDs.
bool AirpcapGetDeviceList(PAirpcapDeviceDescription *PPAllDevs, char *Ebuf)
Return the list of available devices.
char * AirpcapGetLastError(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle)
Return the last error related to the specified handle.
bool AirpcapGetReadEvent(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, void ***PReadEvent)
Gets an event that is signaled when that is signalled when packets are available in the kernel buffer...
bool AirpcapGetDriverDecryptionState(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapDecryptionState PEnable)
Tells if this open instance is configured to perform the decryption of the incoming frames with the g...
bool AirpcapSetDriverKeys(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapKeysCollection KeysCollection)
Set the global list of decryption keys that the driver is going to use with all the devices.
bool AirpcapGetStats(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapStats PStats)
Get per-adapter WinPcap-compatible capture statistics.
Packet header.
Definition: airpcap.h:190
Channel information. Used by AirpcapSetDeviceChannelEx(), AirpcapGetDeviceChannelEx(),...
Definition: airpcap.h:259
Entry in the list returned by AirpcapGetDeviceList();.
Definition: airpcap.h:69
WEP key container.
Definition: airpcap.h:94
This structure is used to store a collection of WEP keys. Note that the definition of the structure h...
Definition: airpcap.h:174
Storage for a MAC address.
Definition: airpcap.h:145
Capture statistics. Returned by AirpcapGetStats();.
Definition: airpcap.h:242
Definition: address.h:56
Definition: buffer.h:22
Definition: wep-wpadefs.h:33