Wireshark  4.3.0
The Wireshark network protocol analyzer
Go to the documentation of this file.
12 #ifndef __ADDRESS_H__
13 #define __ADDRESS_H__
15 #include <string.h> /* for memcmp */
17 #include "tvbuff.h"
18 #include <epan/wmem_scopes.h>
19 #include <wsutil/ws_assert.h>
20 #include <wsutil/inet_cidr.h>
22 #ifdef __cplusplus
23 extern "C" {
24 #endif /* __cplusplus */
26 /* Types of "global" addresses Wireshark knows about. */
27 /* Address types can be added here if there are many dissectors that use them or just
28  * within a specific dissector.
29  * If an address type is added here, it must be "registered" within address_types.c
30  * For dissector address types, just use the address_type_dissector_register function
31  * from address_types.h
32  *
33  * AT_NUMERIC - a numeric address type can consist of a guint8, guint16, guint32 or guint64
34  * value. If no correct length is provided, to avoid data bleed, a guint8 is
35  * assumed. Only representation (aka conversion of value to string) is implemented for this type.
36  */
37 typedef enum {
38  AT_NONE, /* no link-layer address */
39  AT_ETHER, /* MAC (Ethernet, 802.x, FDDI) address */
40  AT_IPv4, /* IPv4 */
41  AT_IPv6, /* IPv6 */
42  AT_IPX, /* IPX */
43  AT_FC, /* Fibre Channel */
44  AT_FCWWN, /* Fibre Channel WWN */
45  AT_STRINGZ, /* null-terminated string */
46  AT_EUI64, /* IEEE EUI-64 */
47  AT_IB, /* Infiniband GID/LID */
48  AT_AX25, /* AX.25 */
49  AT_VINES, /* Banyan Vines address */
50  AT_NUMERIC, /* Numeric address type. */
51  AT_MCTP, /* MCTP */
53  AT_END_OF_LIST /* Must be last in list */
54 } address_type;
56 typedef struct _address {
57  int type; /* type of address */
58  int len; /* length of address, in bytes */
59  const void *data; /* pointer to address data */
61  /* private */
62  void *priv;
63 } address;
65 #define ADDRESS_INIT(type, len, data) {type, len, data, NULL}
68 static inline void
69 clear_address(address *addr)
70 {
71  addr->type = AT_NONE;
72  addr->len = 0;
73  addr->data = NULL;
74  addr->priv = NULL;
75 }
85 static inline void
86 set_address(address *addr, int addr_type, int addr_len, const void *addr_data) {
87  if (addr_len == 0) {
88  /* Zero length must mean no data */
89  ws_assert(addr_data == NULL);
90  } else {
91  /* Must not be AT_NONE - AT_NONE must have no data */
92  ws_assert(addr_type != AT_NONE);
93  /* Make sure we *do* have data */
94  ws_assert(addr_data != NULL);
95  }
96  addr->type = addr_type;
97  addr->len = addr_len;
98  addr->data = addr_data;
99  addr->priv = NULL;
100 }
102 static inline void
103 set_address_ipv4(address *addr, const ipv4_addr_and_mask *ipv4) {
104  addr->type = AT_IPv4;
105  addr->len = 4;
106  uint32_t val = g_htonl(ipv4->addr);
107  addr->priv = g_memdup2(&val, sizeof(val));
108  addr->data = addr->priv;
109 }
111 static inline void
112 set_address_ipv6(address *addr, const ipv6_addr_and_prefix *ipv6) {
113  set_address(addr, AT_IPv6, sizeof(ws_in6_addr), &ipv6->addr);
114 }
131 static inline void
132 set_address_tvb(address *addr, int addr_type, int addr_len, tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset) {
133  const void *p;
135  if (addr_len != 0) {
136  /* Must not be AT_NONE - AT_NONE must have no data */
137  ws_assert(addr_type != AT_NONE);
138  p = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, offset, addr_len);
139  } else
140  p = NULL;
141  set_address(addr, addr_type, addr_len, p);
142 }
154 static inline void
155 alloc_address_wmem(wmem_allocator_t *scope, address *addr,
156  int addr_type, int addr_len, const void *addr_data) {
157  ws_assert(addr);
158  clear_address(addr);
159  addr->type = addr_type;
160  if (addr_len == 0) {
161  /* Zero length must mean no data */
162  ws_assert(addr_data == NULL);
163  /* Nothing to copy */
164  return;
165  }
166  /* Must not be AT_NONE - AT_NONE must have no data */
167  ws_assert(addr_type != AT_NONE);
168  /* Make sure we *do* have data to copy */
169  ws_assert(addr_data != NULL);
170  addr->data = addr->priv = wmem_memdup(scope, addr_data, addr_len);
171  addr->len = addr_len;
172 }
186 static inline void
187 alloc_address_tvb(wmem_allocator_t *scope, address *addr,
188  int addr_type, int addr_len, tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset) {
189  const void *p;
191  p = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, offset, addr_len);
192  alloc_address_wmem(scope, addr, addr_type, addr_len, p);
193 }
203 static inline int
204 cmp_address(const address *addr1, const address *addr2) {
205  if (addr1->type > addr2->type) return 1;
206  if (addr1->type < addr2->type) return -1;
207  if (addr1->len > addr2->len) return 1;
208  if (addr1->len < addr2->len) return -1;
209  if (addr1->len == 0) {
210  /*
211  * memcmp(NULL, NULL, 0) is *not* guaranteed to work, so
212  * if both addresses are zero-length, don't compare them
213  * (there's nothing to compare, so they're equal).
214  */
215  return 0;
216  }
217  return memcmp(addr1->data, addr2->data, addr1->len);
218 }
231 static inline gboolean
232 addresses_equal(const address *addr1, const address *addr2) {
233  /*
234  * memcmp(NULL, NULL, 0) is *not* guaranteed to work, so
235  * if both addresses are zero-length, don't compare them
236  * (there's nothing to compare, so they're equal).
237  */
238  if (addr1->type == addr2->type &&
239  addr1->len == addr2->len &&
240  (addr1->len == 0 ||
241  memcmp(addr1->data, addr2->data, addr1->len) == 0))
242  return TRUE;
243  return FALSE;
244 }
257 static inline gboolean
258 addresses_data_equal(const address *addr1, const address *addr2) {
259  if ( addr1->len == addr2->len
260  && memcmp(addr1->data, addr2->data, addr1->len) == 0
261  ) return TRUE;
262  return FALSE;
263 }
274 static inline void
275 copy_address_shallow(address *to, const address *from) {
276  set_address(to, from->type, from->len, from->data);
277 }
286 static inline void
287 copy_address_wmem(wmem_allocator_t *scope, address *to, const address *from) {
288  alloc_address_wmem(scope, to, from->type, from->len, from->data);
289 }
296 static inline void
297 copy_address(address *to, const address *from) {
298  copy_address_wmem(NULL, to, from);
299 }
306 static inline void
307 free_address_wmem(wmem_allocator_t *scope, address *addr) {
308  /* Because many dissectors set 'type = AT_NONE' to mean clear we check for that */
309  if (addr->type != AT_NONE && addr->len > 0 && addr->priv != NULL) {
310  /* Make sure API use is correct */
311  /* if priv is not null then data == priv */
312  ws_assert(addr->data == addr->priv);
313  wmem_free(scope, addr->priv);
314  }
315  clear_address(addr);
316 }
322 static inline void
323 free_address(address *addr) {
324  free_address_wmem(NULL, addr);
325 }
333 static inline guint
334 add_address_to_hash(guint hash_val, const address *addr) {
335  const guint8 *hash_data = (const guint8 *)(addr)->data;
336  int idx;
338  for (idx = 0; idx < (addr)->len; idx++) {
339  hash_val += hash_data[idx];
340  hash_val += ( hash_val << 10 );
341  hash_val ^= ( hash_val >> 6 );
342  }
343  return hash_val;
344 }
353 static inline guint64
354 add_address_to_hash64(guint64 hash_val, const address *addr) {
355  const guint8 *hash_data = (const guint8 *)(addr)->data;
356  int idx;
358  for (idx = 0; idx < (addr)->len; idx++) {
359  hash_val += hash_data[idx];
360  hash_val += ( hash_val << 10 );
361  hash_val ^= ( hash_val >> 6 );
362  }
363  return hash_val;
364 }
366 WS_DLL_PUBLIC guint address_to_bytes(const address *addr, guint8 *buf, guint buf_len);
368 /* Types of port numbers Wireshark knows about. */
369 typedef enum {
370  PT_NONE, /* no port number */
371  PT_SCTP, /* SCTP */
372  PT_TCP, /* TCP */
373  PT_UDP, /* UDP */
374  PT_DCCP, /* DCCP */
375  PT_IPX, /* IPX sockets */
376  PT_DDP, /* DDP AppleTalk connection */
377  PT_IDP, /* XNS IDP sockets */
378  PT_USB, /* USB endpoint 0xffff means the host */
379  PT_I2C,
380  PT_IBQP, /* Infiniband QP number */
382  PT_IWARP_MPA, /* iWarp MPA */
383  PT_MCTP
384 } port_type;
386 #ifdef __cplusplus
387 }
388 #endif /* __cplusplus */
390 #endif /* __ADDRESS_H__ */
392 /*
393  * Editor modelines - https://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html
394  *
395  * Local variables:
396  * c-basic-offset: 4
397  * tab-width: 8
398  * indent-tabs-mode: nil
399  * End:
400  *
401  * vi: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab:
402  * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true:
403  */
const guint8 * tvb_get_ptr(tvbuff_t *tvb, const gint offset, const gint length)
Definition: tvbuff.c:1006
void * wmem_memdup(wmem_allocator_t *allocator, const void *source, const size_t size)
Definition: wmem_miscutl.c:19
void wmem_free(wmem_allocator_t *allocator, void *ptr)
Definition: wmem_core.c:62
Definition: address.h:56
Definition: wmem_allocator.h:27
Definition: inet_addr.h:21
Definition: inet_cidr.h:22
Definition: inet_cidr.h:27
Definition: tvbuff-int.h:35