Display Filter Reference: Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC)

Protocol field name: sdlc

Versions: 1.0.0 to 4.4.0

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Field name Description Type Versions
sdlc.addressAddress FieldUnsigned integer (8 bits)1.0.0 to 4.4.0
sdlc.controlControl FieldUnsigned integer (16 bits)1.0.0 to 4.4.0
sdlc.control.fFinalBoolean1.0.0 to 4.4.0
sdlc.control.ftypeFrame typeUnsigned integer (8 bits)1.0.0 to 4.4.0
sdlc.control.n_rN(R)Unsigned integer (8 bits)1.0.0 to 4.4.0
sdlc.control.n_sN(S)Unsigned integer (8 bits)1.0.0 to 4.4.0
sdlc.control.pPollBoolean1.0.0 to 4.4.0
sdlc.control.s_ftypeSupervisory frame typeUnsigned integer (8 bits)1.0.0 to 4.4.0
sdlc.control.u_modifier_cmdCommandUnsigned integer (8 bits)1.0.0 to 4.4.0
sdlc.control.u_modifier_respResponseUnsigned integer (8 bits)1.0.0 to 4.4.0