Display Filter Reference: Bluetooth Linux Monitor Transport

Protocol field name: hci_mon

Versions: 1.12.0 to 4.2.6

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Field name Description Type Versions
hci_mon.adapter_idAdapter IDUnsigned integer (16 bits)1.12.0 to 4.2.6
hci_mon.adapter_nameAdapter NameCharacter string1.12.0 to 4.2.6
hci_mon.bd_addrBD_ADDREthernet or other MAC address1.12.0 to 4.2.6
hci_mon.busBusUnsigned integer (8 bits)1.12.0 to 4.2.6
hci_mon.commandCommandCharacter string3.4.0 to 4.2.6
hci_mon.command_lengthCommand LengthUnsigned integer (8 bits)3.4.0 to 4.2.6
hci_mon.cookieCookieUnsigned integer (32 bits)3.4.0 to 4.2.6
hci_mon.eventEventUnsigned integer (16 bits)3.4.0 to 4.2.6
hci_mon.flagsFlagsUnsigned integer (32 bits)3.4.0 to 4.2.6
hci_mon.flags.trusted_socketTrusted SocketBoolean3.4.0 to 4.2.6
hci_mon.formatFormatUnsigned integer (16 bits)3.4.0 to 4.2.6
hci_mon.identIdentCharacter string3.4.0 to 4.2.6
hci_mon.ident_lengthIdent LengthUnsigned integer (8 bits)3.4.0 to 4.2.6
hci_mon.manufacturerManufacturerUnsigned integer (16 bits)3.4.0 to 4.2.6
hci_mon.messageMessageCharacter string4.2.0 to 4.2.6
hci_mon.opcodeOpcodeUnsigned integer (16 bits)1.12.0 to 4.2.6
hci_mon.priorityPriorityUnsigned integer (8 bits)3.4.0 to 4.2.6
hci_mon.system_noteSystem NoteCharacter string3.4.0 to 4.2.6
hci_mon.typeTypeUnsigned integer (8 bits)1.12.0 to 4.2.6
hci_mon.unknown_dataUnknown dataLabel1.12.0 to 4.2.6
hci_mon.versionVersionUnsigned integer (8 bits)3.4.0 to 4.2.6
hci_mon.version_minorRevisionUnsigned integer (16 bits)3.4.0 to 4.2.6